I had some pretty bad sleep issues with my daughter. She was waking up several times through the night up until she was about 8 months, wanting to be "fed" but would fall asleep almost instantly when she got latched on. I read (can't remember which book...What to expect the first year, maybe?) that babies should be sleeping through the night after they're 6 months or so, even if they are growing (of course they are...it's a baby!). That if you feed them through the night, a baby's bodies will start training itself to eat at night instead of kinda shut their metabolism down like they're supposed to. Not that you should deny her food if she truly is hungry, but maybe you should let her cry for 15 minutes or so (as hard as it is...I know!) and see if she'll go back to sleep. And a good feeding right before bed (with maybe some cereal or something heavier that has more staying power than just milk alone) should help too. Hang in there and good luck!