you can get a lot of great information at collegesavings.org. also if you google 529 Plans you will likely find a recent article with morningstar ratings; or perhaps this was on the collegesavings web site. I recently set up 529 plans through Utah; you can invest directly without a sales person. The Utah plans were rated highly by morningstar, plus they have the most flexibility in terms of what you can invest in (inside the 529 plan) and one of the lowest costs of the plans. (All the plans are "no cost," but administration costs reduce income so the lower a plans administrative costs the greater the investment income.) Consider the possibility of mixing Education IRA's and 529 plans. Education IRA funds can be used for more things, like computers for use in college etc., but one is limited on how much one can invest in an IRA. 529 plans limit what you can invest in and you can only change to another plan about once a year. Learn more about the utah plan at www.usep.org.