Hi C.,
I hear your pain. You are smart to not want to put her on drugs. Watch for those teachers and doctors though, who will go to great lengths to convince you she NEEDS them. Which is a full out and out lie.
All the symptoms you listed that she has- every one of them- is a symptom listed under a magnesium deficiency. What magnesium does is relax the central nervous system, and in turn keeps the adrenaline down. Low/deficient magnesium allows adrenaline to spike/increase. Magnesium is NEEDED by the body as it is a chemical gate blocker- it blocks calcium from rushing in and exciting the nerve cell.
Problem: all of us should be having at least as much magnesium in our bodies as we get of calcium. They are companion minerals. Needed equally.
Reality: When is the last time you heard that they are fortifying foods with magnesium? You don't. But they are loading calcium into processed foods, and we ALREADY get quite enough compared to the magnesium ratio. We get a large percentage of calcium from all kinds of foods, but magnesium in the diet is rare. Certain foods like milk products, especially if taken in large amounts, create an even bigger gap. Milk has one part magnesium to EIGHT parts calcium.This creates a magnesium deficiency- the calcium is not blocked in nerve cells, and they fire away.
What you can do to help calm her nerves (and you may want to try the regime too) :
1. Water- the nervous system runs on hydro electricty. When your body gets the amount of water it needs, it runs smoothly. When you start running low (and it doesn't take alot to be in 'dehydration' mode) the body will automatically go into an emergency mode where it shuts down water to the non-vital organs (colon, skin, nerves) and re-routes the water to the brain, the organ that sustains life. The brain MUST keep its exact requirement for water met. So the nerves start straining to run, you feel "edgy" "snappy", and will get headaches. The key amount of water intake is 8 oz a day for every 25 lbs of body weight.
Every non-water drink you have can act as a directic,and must be replaced by an additional amount of equal water. For the doctor to put her on coffee shows he doesnt know as much as he should. Coffee not only dehydrates but has clorogenic acid and caffeine, both of which aggitate the nervous system. I have given up coffee. I notice the edgy effect THE DAY AFTER ingestion. A tendency to snap, a loss of control almost. That's coffee that is caffinated.
2. Magnesium malate or magnesium citrate, 300-600 mg a day.
It can give loose stool -but if it does, you simply reduce the dose a bit until comfortable. (it can take anywhere from 2-12 hrs for the magnesium to affect the stool quality, 24 hrs on someone who is really backed up). Magnesium citrate works faster than malate.
Ps- if she suffers at all from constipation or does not have daily BM's, magnesium is the all natural fix. Do not give Mirilax and other prescriptions of that nature, which pull the water back out of the dehydrated person's brain, and send the water back to the colon. Not good for brain function or nerves.
3. Vitamin b complex drops under the tounge daily. Give before 2pm so they don't keep her awake at night. They tend to give some energy but also calm.
4. Cod liver oil can be of benefit. It does calm nerves and give a good mood.
Carlson brand is suggested, it is a better brand and is guaranteed metal free.
5. If she is ingesting a lot of milk- cut it back to one cup or less. It causes magnesium deficiency. Use rice milk for any further milk needs that day.
6. Some kids will get extremely aggitated and cranky if they have blood sugar regulation problems. You may see them peak and get giddy or hysterically laughing, immediately after eating. You may also notice they drop later, or get very aggitated and moody if they go more than 3 hours without food. They may complain of not feeling well or stomach aches. Do you notice the meltdowns occur before a mealtime is due? Try giving her a protien snack like cheese in between meals to keep the blood sugar more level.
I have suggested some of these things to a mother with an autistic son who was an aggitated mess, cussing and hitting walls, etc. who had been put on an SSRI. The SSRI wasn't working. It was just making the child more loopy.
Not only did she do the above, but we added a gluten free /milk free diet, candida cleansing, and NCD Zeolite for metal cleansing,... and she has seen a sharp improvement. Ther pedi also had this boy on Melatonin for sleeping at night,which is very strong, and he still couldnt sleep. We took him off that and put him on nutri-sleep which actually works well for him.
Anyway good luck, and run, run, run away from anyone who reccommends prescription drugs for her.
In Health,
Mrs .Gail B