5 Weeks Still No Results *Totally Bummed*

Updated on May 24, 2007
K.H. asks from Lynnwood, WA
8 answers

So I signed up with Golds Gym going on 5 weeks ago. I have been going 3 times a week. I have cut out all the junk food that I normally eat which is HUGE for me as I am a total Junk food Junkie. As for Other meals I have this Better Crocker New Dieters cook book that I have been making most of my recipes out of as well. But the thing is I haven't lost a single Pound or shed a single Inch. Its really starting to bum me out. I feel like I am working so hard but nothing is happening....Anyone have any advice? Other than completely starving myself I don't know what I can do to lose this weight.

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answers from Seattle on

Hmmm.. well, I am breastfeeding right now and had to cut out soy and dairy (whey and casein). In combination, those have allowed me to lose all my pregnancy weight and then some...

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answers from Seattle on

How long are you exercising? I've been participating in Weight Watchers for over six months now, and I exercise pretty much every day as part of that, for three times a week fits more into a regimen on maintenance. I've lost 40 lbs., but it hasn't been fast (and shouldn't be, from what I've read).

If you're really trying to tone your body more, and exercising to build muscle, strength training will help you more than cardiovascular training...for it will help build muscle tone. But muscle also weighs more than fat--a lot more--and you could be seeing no results on the scale because you are building as much muscle weight as you are losing fat weight. I started an intensive exercise program, and discovered that after one month, though I'd lost only three pounds, I'd lost 23 lbs. of fat and gained 20 lbs. of muscle. If your body is unused to exercise, it will need to add to its muscle mass to accommodate the new regimen.

As for the food, without seeing how much you are eating, or what you are eating, I don't know what's going on...but often, if your diet becomes really restrictive, your metabolism will fall as well, to compensate...it's called "starvation mode," and it's completely natural. The best way to kick yourself out of it is to limit your intake of food, but not too much...and exercise, exercise, exercise...go for at least 40 minutes at a time. Even if you get tired of one machine, switch to the treadmill, or walk around the building slowly to catch your breath, and then go back in to do more. If your body doesn't exercise for long enough, it won't be enough to raise your metabolism.

Contact me if you wish. I live in Bothell, and I think you can write back through my name link above.



answers from Seattle on

Hang in there. Try & cut out as much sugar as possible. I myself am overweight ( & pregnant with my second) and feel terrible when I look in the mirror. After I have the baby I would love to be as motivated as you by going to the gym 3 times a week. Don't give up!!!
I am also a wife of a Microsoftie and have been here since late last year. It was very difficuclt for me to leave a place where I had a "life" and come to a place & start over from scratch. Please know you are not alone with your feelings & hopefully things will look up for all us Microsoftie wives.



answers from Norfolk on

Let me start off by saying, WOW! Going to the gym 3 times a week is a huge accomplishment. I just started Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago and I have learned alot about the food I am eating. I really thought I made healthy choices for myself in the past but it turns out that I was just eating WAY to much. I bought a scale and have been using measuring cups like crazy but I am really begining to understand portion control. I have lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks with this plan, it is slightly above the average 2 lbs per week though. I have really learned alot from it too. And the best part is that it is all online. No meetings I need to go to or consultations etc. and you eat your own food, so you can go to the grocery store and buy what you want to eat. I just log what I ate into their online diary and make sure it is within the assigned "points" for me. It was a little weird at first but it has turned out to be super easy and is making such a difference for me.

I have heard that strength training will really help with weight reduction as well because when you turn your fat into muscle you loose it twice as fast.

Good Luck!

PS- if your looking to make some good mommy friends check out Meetup.com they have moms groups all over, just look up yours by zip code and it's free to join. Although, some groups do charge membership dues. Totally fun though!



answers from Seattle on

Are you feeling better? Are you trimmer? Working out is great for you regardless of whether you lose weight or not. Keep at it. Eventually, you WILL lose weight. Remember muscle is heavier than fat. Since you are converting fat to muscle, you should actually be gaining a little right now. Don't let the scale determine your success.



answers from Seattle on

Man, it sounds like you are doing everything you need to do. I bet that it's something that you don't even know....like something that is bad for you, that you don't even realize your doing. Also, sometimes our bodies freak out and won't allow us to loose weight. Instead the body will think it's in "survival mode" and hold on to it all. Just eating more protein and see if that helps.

(Can you tell that I don't really know?? But I want to support you!)

Also, I've done Weight Watchers and great success. You might want to look into that.

Good luck!

(and good luck liking Seattle. I transplanted here from Utah also and LOVE IT.)



answers from Seattle on

Hey, don't give up! Even if you don't see results yet, you will! Also, check with your doc to see if there's a bigger issue, like thyroid. I don't know where you started at, weight wise, but if it's just a few pounds you needed to lose, those are the most stubborn.
On a less fun note...keep a calorie log, or at least a VERY specific, detailed catalog of EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth. That means, those cracker crumbs from you kid's meal, the chocolate chips that didn't make it into the batter, and in that case, the uncooked cookie that didn't make it into the oven. I did that when I felt like I was doing everything under the sun, and I was unpleasantly surprised by how the little things added up.
Good luck, and keep in mind that no matter what you see in the mirror, you are absolutely doing yourself and your family a favor by taking care of your heart!!!



answers from Seattle on

Hi K.! Don't give up, it sounds like you are doing everything right. Try to eat smaller meals throughout the day and drink lots of water. And make sure you eat breakfast, it kick starts your metabolism. Also I know the owner of Evolution Fitness and they personalize it for what you need. Check out out and tell him J. from BNI sent you.

On a side note...Welcome to Washington. I am a stay at home mom too. It is hard getting out there and getting to know other moms. Since the weather is getting nice, if you ever want to meet at a park with the kids let me know. I live in Woodinville and my boys are 6 and 8.

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