5 Mo Old Upper GI

Updated on December 04, 2011
M.T. asks from Eatontown, NJ
4 answers

My 5 month old is scheduled to have an upper GI done tomarrow morning and I am freaking out a little. Has anyone had their young child have this test done? If so what did it entail and what was the outcome? I am really nervous about doing this and I am hoping that they don't find anything because I really can't think of having to do what ever it would take to fix any problems. Could really use some comfort on this one.

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answers from Albuquerque on

Yes, one of my daughters had upper GIs done at 1 month, 4 months and 7 months. When she was 4 and 7 months old, we had to get to the hospital about 30 minutes before the procedure was scheduled. They took us to a small room where I changed her out of her clothes and into a tiny hospital gown. Then we sat and waited (and played). The room for the procedure was pretty hospital-ish with all sorts of machinery. They had quite a few people in the room with us - a doctor, several techs, a speech pathologist, someone to operate the camera thingy, etc. And there was a control room with another two people. They gave her some white stuff to drink and then had her lay down on an inclined table while they took pictures. Getting her to lie correctly was challenging as she wanted to wiggle. But the techs were nice and helpful and the whole procedure took less than 30 minutes. It was way more difficult for me that for my daughter.

At all three tests, it showed that my daughter had severe reflux (and aspiration of thin liquids at the first two). We didn't really have to do anything as a result of the tests... just continue to keep her on reflux medicine and take the other lifestyle steps (like sleeping on an incline, holding her upright after eating, etc.).

If you need more details, just PM me. Good luck!

Oh - I just read the first response. If your child is dealing with reflux... I can not recommend a chiropractor strongly enough. My daughter was on reflux medicines for four years, and just a few months ago I finally took her to a chiropractor. After six sessions, her reflux is basically gone. I kick myself daily that I didn't take her as an infant, but I didn't think it would help. We're going back for one last upper GI to confirm that her reflux is gone, but she's been off meds for two months and has no more symptoms.



answers from Raleigh on

I am sorry i do not have any experience with this but I have many friends who's babies had a horrible reflux and taking them to a chiropractor was the ONLY thing that worked.Some even started at 2 weeks old.


answers from Seattle on

My daughter (4.5 mo) has pretty awful reflux. My pediatrician did not require this test to diagnose. From what I know, most pediatricians don't. I just went in, explained what I was seeing (lots of "chewing the cud", really bad congestion, etc.), and I asked for a prescription for Prevacid (most will start you on Zantac, which is fine, but Prevacid has a higher success rate). Anyways, Sophia is doing great! I hadn't heard about the chiropractic thing, though and would love to hear more! If you're really nervous about this test, think about just talking to your pediatrician and see if he/she will take your word on it.


answers from Lynchburg on

Hi M.-

My daughter has had MANY of these kinds of studies...

For my daughter, they took food that she was eating by mouth...she ate some that had a 'tracer' of some kind in it while she was in a 'chair' so they could video/xray the path of the food.

When she was little...like your infant...she was 'strapped' into the chair during the study.

I was allowed to be there with her for ALL studies...but the hospitals she was in also had recreation/occupational/speech therapists on hand to assist.

The study (theoretically) will indicate if there are any 'swallowing' issues.

It will be difficult to watch...but can be VERY helpful to determine IF there are issues that need to be addressed.

YOU (as a MOM) are stronger than you think...

Sending good thoughts to you...and your little one...

Whatever the issues may be...I send you additional strength...BUT know...in my heart...you will deal with any challenges that may be revealed...


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