Try and avoid all danger!!! Be scared of your shadow!!!! After all its stalking you.! Never use a knife. You might drop it on your foot. NEVER, NEVER, walk across a street ot get into a car. Think of how many drunk drivers there are put there.
Life is full of danger. The wise know which dangers to avoid and which ones to live with. (I'm amazed parents let their kids have skateboards.) My family and I lived in Arkansas for 18 years. We enjoyed fireworks for 17 4's th of July. I had 5 children born in Arkansas and we NEVER had one accident with fireworks. (My oldest three were born before we moved to Arkansas.) I always bought age appropriate fireworks. My littlest ones got to play with "Morning Glories". As they grew older they were allowed to have sparklers, roman candles, and sky rockets. I was always very careful and supervised them closely. They had fun and learned a lot about the importance of safety.
California's laws on fireworks are moronic. California doesn't allow any fireworks any more exciting than wooden matches. Texas has very liberal fireworks laws as does Arkansas. California has more fireworks injuries than Texas and Arkansas combined. Its not hard to understand why.
Let your kids have age appropriate fireworks and supervise them closely and enjoy their excitement and the wonder and awe in their eyes.
Good luck to you and yours.