Kids this age do have night-mares.
My son is 4.75 and he does too.
But he always tells me what is was about, and then I comfort him, when/if he wakes. Or the next morning. He always remembers it.
To me: it does NOT matter, 'what' their night-mare was about. Because, they had a nightmare. It does not have to be justified or rationalized away or them to be told its nothing.
Because it is literal to them
If your son says he had a night-mare but cannot express the 'details' of it. Fine. Just comfort him.
I tell my son that his night-mares are not real. Its just imagination. Even if it seems real. My son, knows the difference.
Your son does not have to literally express what his dreams were/is. But as long as he knows that he had a night-mare and that you are there for him.
It does scare them.
At this age their cognition and emotions and imaginations, are changing. Per development.
TRY to have him nap.
My son does. He is napping now in fact.
Over-tired kids, have worse sleep and cannot sleep and due to over-tiredness get nightmares.
Your son as you know, is over-tired. Hence his being a "terror" during the day because he is sleep-deprived. This would make anyone, cranky and not themselves.
Don't punish him for it.
BECAUSE.. .it is due to sleep deprivation. He is not himself.
Over-tired kids, have a harder time sleeping and falling asleep and wake more. Because they are not rested and their lack of sleep COMPOUNDS daily and gets more and more magnified... then it results in the child becoming behaviorally... difficult and much more fussy.
When my son has night-mares... he is 'scared' yet feels assured... because, no matter when or what time it is, I console him... and comfort him and even stay up with him, until he is calmed again. I tell him its okay... even grown-ups get nightmares. Its okay. Mommy is here. I know its scary... but it is just pretend. He knows, I am there for him.
1) your son is having nightmares
2) this is normal at this age. From 2 years old and even my 8 year old daughter.. they get night-mares at times. We cannot turn off their imaginations. Night-mares and dreaming is INvoluntary.
Thus, scolding them for it.... is senseless.
3) your son is mega, over-tired and sleep deprived. Hence, his poor behavior... because a young child like this, cannot mood control themselves when they have lack of sleep. Not even some adults can.
4) he IS expressing... that he is 'scared' and had nightmares. He does not have to remember it or every detail of it... to prove it.
Kids get night-time 'fears' at night, and night-mares. My Husband, takes our kids outside in the yard at night, with a flashlight, to 'explain' the noises and shadows at night.
This is childhood.
We have a floor futon on the floor of our room. My kids can go there and sleep anytime if need be or if sick. Its fine. No biggie.
I cried as a child too, when I had nightmares and got real scared. My parents let me. They consoled me.
For my kids what works is: I ACKNOWLEDGE their night-mares and night time fears. I agree with them.
I acknowledge it and them. This fact alone... settles them and makes them feel better. Because they know that Mommy, understands. Instead of explaining it away to them.
You *might* let him, sleep in one of these when he is afraid (a kids' bed or sleep tent):
It is real cozy and 'comforting.'
My kids, like theirs.
Also: let him have his own flashlight... to keep IN bed with him
Both my kids have one.
My son is 4.75.
My daughter is 8.75.