4 Yr Old Properly Using the Potty

Updated on September 01, 2009
A.C. asks from Leander, TX
9 answers

I need advise. My 4yr old baby girl does not know how to wipe when she goes #2. I have tried to show her, bribe her, reward her etc....She likes to be a "big girl" so I tried the "this is what big girls do" thing. Nothing seems to work. She has been potty trained since she turned two. She can reach so that is not a problem, she just does not want to do it. My 3 other children had no problem so I am at a loss here. I have told her I will not come to the bathroom when she calls for me and that she needs to do this herself. I hate to not wipe her as this is so unsanitary and gross to say the least. I would appreciate any help out there.

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answers from Houston on

Maybe take her to the store to pick out some of those big kid wipes? They will probably do the job in less wipes so it would be less of a battle? We used to use those for DD just because she didn't wipe well enough. Sorry you're having this problem!

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answers from Houston on

I agree about the toddler flushable wipes...that really helped us. Also, you may want to watch her try and do it--I have heard that until about age 5 some kids just aren't physially able to reach all the way back and wipe clean. Perhaps this is the issue with your daughter and she just needs a little extra instruction on what to do.



answers from San Antonio on

My daughter will be 4 in late November, and she also does not like wiping herself. We have the kandoo wipes, and she would still refuse. So, we are starting w/ baby steps with the expectation that by the time she turns 4 it will be done ONLY by her. She has to count the 4 squares, pull them off, fold them and wipe atleast once. I then finish wiping, and finish off w/ a wet wipe just to make sure it's all clean. I make it a point to show her the tp after each wipe, so she can see how it gets cleaner and cleaner. I believe this is the part that she dislikes the most , so I am hoping to desensitize her. GOOD LUCK!!!!



answers from Corpus Christi on

are you trying only with toilet paper or are you using the flushable wet wipes? those will stick less and be easier for her to clean her mess......



answers from San Antonio on

A. I think it is just an uncomfortable position and as smart as our children are, at 4 1/2 she is still very young. I'll bet at 5, when social skills become more important to her, this will correct itself. Purchase some really pretty undies that maybe she gets to pick out, and be sure she sees how they look when she doesn't keep herself clean. She'll get there. I also liked the idea of getting the flushable wet wipes. Perhaps too, one of your older daughters can have a "big sister" talk with her. Good luck.



answers from Victoria on

i had a friend with the same exact problem. i totally did not understand why she allowed this. i told her to stand there and watch her and if she asked ( which she did ) for her mom to wipe her to tell her to keep wiping herself untill the little girl got it clean. i suggest you just monitor her from the door and keep making her do it " go back, wipe more / bettter" " you need to get it all " same goes for brushing teeth, and most hygene (sp). they are kids and need to be checked on till they are older. 9ish. everyonce in a while make sure they are brushing teeth ect.



answers from San Antonio on

Who wants to do it? You are going to have to make her and stick to your guns.



answers from San Antonio on

I am in the same situation. I thought I was the only one. My 4 1/2 yr old daughter refuses to wipe herself. What I found that some what helps out is using the childrens wipies. So I let her know that those are hers and after she wipes with toilet paper she then uses a wipe to make sure she is all clean. I would give it a try. I hope that helps.



answers from Houston on

Sounds like this is something your very smart youngest child has discovered is a way to get attention from mommy. Can you find other ways to give her attention? Read books, play games, have her help you in the kitchen, go out on quick errands with just her occasionally? It's so easy for us busy mommies to overlook opportunities to let our kids know how important they are to us.

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