There are products you can buy at any drug store for nail biting. You put it on the childs fingernails, like clear nail polish and it tastes horrible! It stays on for a few days and you just re apply it. Worked like a charm with my mine.
My four year old daughter will not keep her fingers out of her mouth! Everytime I look at her she's sucking on her fingers. It's not just her thumb- sometimes she puts all 5 fingers in her mouth at the same time.I'm forever telling her to take her fingers out of her mouth. How do I make her stop?! I tell her that it's gross and can make her sick and can screw up her teeth (she already has a 100% overbite- I'm afraid that sucking on her fingers will push her teeth out more and she'll look like a rabbit). Someone suggested hot sauce but how can she walk around with hot sauce on her fingers? My friend told me to put nail polish remover on her fingers but I don't want to make her sick. What do I do?!
There are products you can buy at any drug store for nail biting. You put it on the childs fingernails, like clear nail polish and it tastes horrible! It stays on for a few days and you just re apply it. Worked like a charm with my mine.
My son does the same thing and it drives me crazy. I looked at the finger gaurds and they look like theyd work, but they are very expensive. But i dont have any answers either. If you find a solution, let me know.
I'd check out this: http://www.whatshebuys.com/masttwobo.html
It's called Maval stop. and they are the only place that sells it. I've bitten my nails for more than 35 years and the only time I stop is if I apply this product on. Unlike other products that claim to taste bad... this one does and it doesn't wash off very easily. I think you have to buy 2 bottles and it's free s&h. Not bad at all.
You can read the comments as well. It's a very highly recommended product.
I have not had to deal with this problem, but I did notice on the One Step Ahead website that they had thumb and finger guards. They seem expensive but you might want to look at it as a last resort if nothing else works.
Does she like nail polish? My daughter was not allowed to wear nail polish if she sucked her fingers - I just hated the idea of all those chemicals in her mouth. Maybe the positive incentive of being able to wear polish if she stops?? We also ended up using the nail biting "chemicals" (even though I felt they weren't much better than nail polish) for bedtime. She was to the point where she was okay during the day but I'd check on her at night and there they'd be - right back in her mouth. She wanted to stop to be able to wear polish so that helped too. About a week with the nail biting stuff and she gave it up for good. I did not find that it lasted days. We had to reapply every night. Good Luck!