Gee, I must be really out of it...Ferber, CGI...never heard of them.
When I had the first I nursed and attended every single whim that child had. She whimpered, I ran to her. When I finally got her weaned from the breast (I was expecting a 2nd) she refused to give up the bottle. Even when it was empty, she'd use it like a pacifier...even at 4 years old.
The 2nd child REFUSED to nurse. We bottle fed and she never had a pacifier. She slept through the night early on with few waking episodes. When she did wake, her older sister would wake and start in and I'd have to tend to her, usually putting her in the bed with husband and I so I could take care of the baby. She was 2 then.
Finally, when the 3rd came (4.5 years after the first) I was a single mom, having left the husband who refused to help me care for the children he helped create. Moved in with my parents and my mother MADE ME put my girls to bed at 8pm. 1 night of crying for the younger, 3 for the older, and they were sleeping soundly by 8:30pm.
I nursed the baby and put him in his crib after nursing. Never used a pacifier for him, either. I did the sausage thing...wrapped him up tight in a receiving blanket. He slept like a dream from birth. I also wrapped up my 2nd child. I think that had a lot to do with it.
I don't recommend going through a divorce while you're 8 months pregnant, but my mother making me be more assertive with my children when they were small made me a lot better parent. I could actually get some exercise and a good nights sleep, which is essential for being a good parent.
Later, when I started dating again, I could go out and enjoy myself for an evening knowing the kids were sleeping soundly while Grandma came to watch them.
If you're a young parent, TRUST ME, your marriage is very important. If your marriage doesn't suffer, your kids will be fine. My 2nd and forever husband and I met and married when my kids were still small, and we've never had problems with parenting our kids.