Hi Wendolyn,
First, I'd eliminate which ever one didn't fit into my schedule.
From what you wrote, it looks like the 6:30 feed is an habitual comfort feed. So, I'd suggest getting him out of the habit of that and eliminate that one. I never fed my daughter to sleep exactly because of that. I didn't want her reliant on me to fall asleep. But, what I've read about it suggests that you nurse and just before your little one starts to nod off, you pull your nipple out. Do it every single time and soon he'll get used to falling asleep without suckling.
Okay, next, going doing with 1 feed before bed... what he's doing is very normal, and good actually. He's cluster feeding. It's a great way for your baby to stock up on calories before night to sleep longer. Many woman deliberately feed their baby more frequently in the evenings to get a longer stretch after.
We set 7:30 as our bed time for our daughter. It is pretty standard, but it made sense for us too. We're both working parents. But, I've heard many parents do 6:30 and 8:30 as well.
You really can go a few routes here. I'd say think about how you want your night to go, and then adjust his routine from there.
As far as eliminating a feed, you change it in 15 minute increments each day. You can hold off an baby for 15 minutes, longer is a dramatic shift in their day. So, lets say you want to eliminate the 5:30pm feed. On day one, you'd feed him at 5:45 instead. Do that a 2-3 days, then at 6:00, do that a few days, then 6:15, do that a few days, then finally you're at 6:30pm. I'd say, depending on the nature/temperment of your baby, you're looking at a 1-2 week adjustment.
That is how we did it. My daughter would nurse at 3pm, then nap until about 4:30 and nurse again. Then cat nap at 5pm for 30-45 minutes, then nurse at 6:00pm, then bath, massage, jammies, offer one last feed (not to sleep, though), sing songs, and lights out at 7:30pm. She cut out that cat nap soon enough, and her 3pm nap moved to 2pm...blah, blah, it all changes so quickly!
All in all, he seems pretty normal to me :)