Kelly- You are wrong. Complications from a baby being born at 37-38 weeks happen all the time. As a former NICU Respiratory Therapist I took care of lots of babies that were induced at 37-38 weeks and they were not ready. The mom is 37 weeks but the baby is only 35 weeks. If the baby is not ready at 37-38 weeks it will not come.
It does not matter how dilated you are. You could be at a 4 and carry another two weeks or you could be closed up tight and have a baby 5 hours later. Most women that have had a baby before will naturally sit at 1-2cm dilated for the last few weeks of pregnancy anyway.
I have 3 children. I was not checked prior to active labor with any of them. There is no reason to be checked. All it does is increase the risk of infection and the risk of the doctor accidently breaking your water which would then force you to have your baby before it is ready.
Don't let anyone check you until you are in labor. It is not neccessary.