Oh K.! How I feel your pain!!
This was a major battle in our house, too. When I went back to work (just one day a week) I was close enough to still BF because grandma brought my DD to me to nurse every 3 hours or so. BUT, I had to have surgery when DD was 4 months old, so I knew there would be a need for bottle feeding. She took a bottle when she was very small, but then at 3 months rejected it. She had trouble nursing too at that point, so who knows?! We worked at it a ton, tried 6 different bottles, we even went out one time and left her with a trusted friend. 5-6 hours later, she was asleep, and the only time she'd cried was when the bottle was offered! The day before my surgery, we got her to eat an ounce.
Well, I think it is true what they say...when starving, a child will eat! The day of my surgery, my hubby offered her a bottle, and she refused it, screamed her head off for a couple of hours, then slept for a long time. When she woke up (it had been about 8 hours since she'd nursed at that point), he could not get milk in the bottle fast enough! She was hungry, but also tried holding her in a weird way. He laid her with her head resting on his knees so they were looking at each other, and she helped hold the bottle. It worked! It was the end of the bottle strike, and nursing got better too.
I know how scary it is! But I really do believe that your DD will eventually come around if she gets really hungry. I have heard of babies that don't take much from the bottle and then make up for it by nursing a lot when mom is around. As long as she is showing normal signs of growth and communication, I don't think she will let herself starve - it's our human condition to make sure that our needs are met! Try different bottles (although in the end, my DD came back to the first one we'd ever used!)...does she take a paci? Maybe look for a nipple shaped like that? Try lots of different holding positions, too. Is someone else trying to give her the bottle? She may feel your stress - and smell Mommy!
Let us know what happens - best wishes to you all!