2.5 Year Old Has Really Runny Nose When Laying down to Sleep

Updated on October 09, 2008
C.N. asks from West Islip, NY
14 answers

Last night my 2.5 year old son was up for an hour, his nose was running like CRAZY but no fever or other symptoms. eventually got to sleep and woke up this morning fine. Was put down for a nap and slept for a half hour (usually take a 3 hour solid nap!) and woke up crying again with the CRAZY RUNNY NOSE. He still uses a pacifier only for sleeping , so I'm thinking he can't breath b/c the paci is in his mouth, etc, but why would he only have a runny nose like this when laying down to sleep and nothing else? I really don't want to be up again tonight, and he is so tired...Any ideas? Teething (molars?) Ear infection ? I called the DR but the nurse won't c/b until later. Any ideas I'd really appreciate. THanks!!!

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all the advice. This turned into a cold or allergies, as he has the runny nose all day now and watery eyes. I used 1/2 teas Benadyl at night for the last 2 nights and it helps, I am also going to get some Vicks. But he's back to napping & sleeping so at least we have that. Thanks again!

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answers from New York on

Could be alergies, could be a cold, I'm not a medical doctor so I can't diagnose BUT what I do to both my sons (2.5 & 7 months) since they seem to get the runny nose at change of seasons, is to put vicks vapo rub ON THEIR FEET before bed. on nose/chest can be pretty harsh on nasal passages and chest but for some reason-again, not a Dr., but it does work. Just like chicken soup for a cold, or warm milk to help sleep, sometimes old school things work really well. Good Luck!

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answers from New York on

Hi C., Could your little boy have allergies? Check with your doctor. I do not know why his nose would run only at night and yes he cannot breathe with a pacifier. Teething could also cause a runny nose. I'm sure you are both tired. Try having him lay on his side. I have allergies and my nose runs if it is irritated by something (dust, mold, pets) You should consult a doctor and find out what is up. Best wishes, Grandma Mary



answers from New York on

It could be allergies, my son has them and they can interfere with sleep. I make sure the head of his bed is elevated (I fold beach towels and put them between mattress and boxspring). I was also given the go ahead to use guaifenesin - the store brand of a tussin couph syrup, but that is all it has in it. It loosens up the mucous so it's easier to get out, and helps dry it up too. Benadryl dries great too, but not good for naptime, just bedtime.



answers from Albany on

Hi C.,
My oldest started this same thing last Thrusday. His nose just started running while sleeping. Well, now it is running all the time. It's just the season for these things to start. Even though they are little, our doc said it was ok to give them the tussin medication which helps with the congestion. Just only give them a 1/2 dose, which is about 1/2 a teaspoon, every 4-6 hours as needed. It seems like common knowledge, but not everyone wants to give meds to their kids so early (hint, including myself) but it deffinately works.

Also, Don't forget if you give them a bath at night right before they go to bed, get the bathroom all hot and steamy before you put him in the bathroom while you play. It will help relieve the congestion at night. I used to have a humidfier filled with Vicks in the bathroom I would turn on about 30-45 minutes before bath time. I would close the door so all the steam and meds stayed in the air, then qucikly get in there with the kids and let them soak in a warm bath with the steam in the air...it helps them sleep better too I believe.



answers from New York on

Hi, C.,
I noticed some of the responses recommend medicines like Benadryl, and you should just be sure to check with your pediatrician before giving your son anything like that. Just today, the drug companies issued a statement that they do not recommend that over-the-counter cough and cold remedies be given to young children:

From the Associated Press, Oct. 7 -- Drug companies: No cold medicines for kids under 4

Good luck!



answers from New York on

it could be allergies? You can put some vasoline under his nose to prevent it from chapping and hurting..



answers from New York on

Did you get him tested for dust mite allergy? I'm not sure, but it may have something to do with it. Beds are where they are the most prevalent, so if he has this allergy, it would make sense that the most visible symptoms happen then.

Hope this helps.



answers from New York on

This is cold and allergy season. make an appointment to see your pediatrician. meanwhile, if he is nasaly congested, the pacifier is not helping matters as per breathing issues.Use a humidifier at night, slightly elevate his head,by putting a pillow or folded blanket under the mattress(head of bed), If he can tolerate it use saline to flush nostrils(spray)and beandryl or dimetap allergy can help with runny nose. Good luck.



answers from New York on

I've had the exact same problem, and I used a little Children Vapo Rub on my daughter's chest and sometimes even under her nose to prevent her getting too stuffy. My daughter uses the pacifier to get to sleep, and if she can't breathe, she spits it out. Then she can't sleep b/c she doesn't have the pacifier. It becomes a cycle. If it gets really bad, your pediatrician might prescribe a mild antihistamine to clear congestion.



answers from New York on

It might be hay fever, this is the time of year for it. Try an air filter for his room.



answers from New York on

I would say its either teething or allergies?



answers from Glens Falls on

You can use Children's Benadryl to decongest him. I was told my son (2 years, 32lbs) can have 1 tablespoon, but I only give him 1/2 tablespoon because it knocks him out. My pediatrician recommended this for bedtime because kids can not have cold meds.

I do recommend checking with your doctor to see if this is safe if your son has never taken Benadryl, I do not advise giving new drugs without the doctor's OK.

I don't know why his nose is running, he could have a cold without having a fever, he is due for his molars, it could be anything really.

Good luck

EDIT: I came back to add this about allergies and saw the next poster mentioned them. My son has springtime allergies and he was put on Loratadine syrup (generic Claritin)until the end of May. Runny nose was his only symptom for weeks and we kept treating it like a cold until the doctor finally said if it isn't getting better it must be allergies. I thought he should be tested, but she said if the Loratadine works we wouldn't have to put him through testing until he was older and this year was really really bad for allergies and he may never have symptoms again.



answers from New York on

If that is the only time your child gets a runny nose he could be allergic to his pillow. Try using a synthetic or allergy free pillow or pillow cover.



answers from New York on

Be vigilant about keeping his bedding and mattress clean, it may be dust allergies, and someone else mentioned dust mites, it may just be that. Don't fret, it's not that you're not clean, it's just a fact of life...! Naturally, change his sheets regularly. I also wash my son's mattress cover (I have extra water-proof covers and alternate -- I put a clean one on while washing another) frequently, and I use a product I bought in Bed Bath & Beyond, called "Mite Relief", at least twice a month. I spray his mattress and his stuffed animals/toys that are in his bed, wait for it to dry, then vacuum them all. It seems to help.

Good luck!


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