This happened to me when I was about the same age. The dentist ended up pulling my tooth before I was 3 years old. I don't think it was any big deal and it didn't have any effect on my permanent teeth.
About a week ago, my two and a half year old fell, hit her mouth on the ground, and cut the inside of her lip a little bit. We iced her lip and she went back to regular play and was fine. I didn't think much of it after the fat lip healed as she's done this before. Last night while I was brushing her teeth, I noticed that one of her front teeth has turned gray. YIKES! I called my dentist, but of course they are closed today so now I'll have to worry about this all weekend. Has this happened to anyone else? Is her tooth going to be grey until she's like 6 and it falls out? Can the dentist even do anything at this point?
Thanks for the advice ladies! I took her to the dentist. He looked at it for approximately 2 seconds, assured me that it would most likely not affect her adult tooth and told me to come back if an abscess ever formed. Not a big deal. I do hope for the sake of pictures for the next 4-6 years that it turns back to white a little bit!
This happened to me when I was about the same age. The dentist ended up pulling my tooth before I was 3 years old. I don't think it was any big deal and it didn't have any effect on my permanent teeth.
Take her to the dentist!
It is true that there isn't a whole lot they can do but she should be seen so that they can take an x-ray. That way they can see if it's becoming an issue down the road.
My daughter and niece both did this. My daughter is fine so far and the grayness has faded but my niece's got darker and eventually had to be pulled.
Good luck!
We had a similar incident. My daughter actually moved her tooth back a millimeter. It turned grey for several months, which indicated damage to the nerve. It has slowly gone away as the nerve healed, but that doesn't always happen. Also, there is no way of telling if there is damage to the permanent teeth. You'll have to wait and see.
You should still take her to the dentist, but really there isn't anything you can do for it. You'll want to watch for infection which may present as white bumps on the gums above the tooth.
Good luck,
You're not going to want to hear the answer to this. The impact damaged the tooth, and it will stay gray. Luckily it is not something that is anything more than a cosmetic issue most likely. If the tooth isn't wiggly it should probably be fine. Check with your dentist anyway, and thank goodness for baby teeth.