My daughter had a really bad eczema flare when she was 2 months old. It was head to toe. I used everything the doctor gave me but what I found really helped was cutting dairy out my diet. She was exclusively breast-fed. That and Eucerin and or Aquaphor helped so much. She still gets break outs every now and then on her cheeks and the area around her ankles, but never to the extent that it was.
We also switched detergents for the whole family. I found that she would have breakouts whenever she was pressed next to me, especially on her cheeks. After I switched to All Free and Clear for everyone, I noticed a huge difference in her break out cycle. Because even baby detergents have some fragrance to them. We also dont use fabric softner anymore. I just use vinegar in the rinse cycle. It doesnt leave a smell to your clothes at all and softens really nicely.
Also what my friends have found that have helped their kids is a daily Omega-3 suppliment. Basically kids fish oil. I cant remember the brand, but I know they sell it at health food stores and GNC. If you ask for it, I'm sure they know what you are talking about. They are strawberry flavored. I cant get my kids to take them, but if I could they would be taking them daily. Its basically a chewable capsule with strawberry flavored fish oil in it.
Also, something else I have heard that works but again we havent tried yet is the NAET treatments. I have heard that sessions run between $40-$60 depending on the doctor but I have heard great things about people actually eliminating their allerigies and one of my friends reported her daughter having little to no eczema breakouts after being treated. It can take a couple of treatments depending on the severity of the allergy but I think its worth it to get lasting results.
Here is some information I pulled for you off my moms group website.
Here is some information about NAET:
NAET is based upon the principles of oriental medicine which state that good health is dependent upon the free flow of life energy, chi, through channels in the body called meridians. Anything will naturally generate its own field of energy. Some of these energetic fields will be incompatible with your chi and, if close enough to you, will disrupt the free flow of your own energy through your energy pathways.
When this energy flow is blocked, health problems develop. The severity and nature of the problems depend upon the extent of the restriction of the energy flow, location of the blockage, and its duration.
If you were in a perfect state of balance and good health, nothing would have an energy field incompatible with your own. Until this state is reached, inevitably you encounter something incompatible with your energy field.
NAET resolves this issue of incompatibility.
While you are in the presence of something blocking the energy flow in your body (this would be an allergen in NAET terms--a much broader definition of an allergy than the classical one), through the application of acupressure on specific points along the spine, the blocked energy pathways are opened and chi is allowed to flow. The body then realizes the flow of energy is possible even in the presence of the energy blocking substance.
The next time the body is in the presence of this substance, it remembers what happened during the acupressure session and allows the energy to flow through the formerly blocked channels. The NAET treatment has re-trained the body to always allow the flow of chi in the presence of this allergen, in effect resetting the "computer" in the central nervous system which regulates the flow of energy.
After twenty-four hours, the time it takes for energy to completely circulate through all energy pathways, the "computer" is permanently reset and the substance which was formerly obstructing the free flow of chi no longer blocks it. If the treatment is passed completely--I.e. If the treatment clears all the energy pathways in the twenty-four hour period--you should never react to this substance again.
These are the principles upon which NAET is based
I know lots of information right. HTH