I am a huge advocate of simply doing what you want her to eventually continue to do. Meaning, don't give her warm milk when she wakes up if that's not the routine you want her in. Giving her milk at night is also not recommended for the health of her teeth...that milk will sit on her teeth and can start the decaying process and early cavities. Simply go to her, let her know you're there but it's time to go to sleep, tuck her back in and leave. Get her a comfort item that you DON'T mind her having... like a lullaby CD in her room to soothe her to sleep or a blanket she can ONLY have in her bed when she naps/goes to bed at night. And, just keep at that. We do that w/ our girls every time their sleep routine is inturrupted by illness or busy schedules or some other reason.
My second daughter, at 20 mos, was just put into a toddler bed. She LOVES routine and LOVES her things HER way, so I had a feeling it may be a tricky adjustment. But, my husband and I were very calm and lovey and encouraging w/out making it out to be a HUGE deal. The first night she didn't want to go in it at all and I stayed with her until she was calm, then left. She was fine and fell asleep on her own. The second night, same thing. The third day for her nap I just put her down and didn't even stay with her. She already knew the drill and knew I wasn't going to coddle her. THIS was her new bed and she had already seen she can sleep well in it so she stayed. Now we have absolutely no trouble at all...she crawls right in.