2 Year Old Nervous Habit

Updated on June 16, 2014
C.C. asks from Savannah, GA
5 answers

Hi everyone. So I need some feedback....My almost 2.5 year old pinches the skin on her neck all the time. I first noticed this about a year or so ago. She started doing it when she was in a new situation (play date with new kids, etc) or when she was sleepy. Now it's become a full fledged habit. She does it constantly. I can't believe she doesn't have bruises, but so far I haven't seen any. I'm a stay at home mom, her daddy and I are together and he's amazing with her, she is around other kids as we are active in a stay at home mom's group, she stays with our parents when she's not with us...in other words, not sure why I have an anxious child - she has the most stable, calm, loving, nurturing family and life. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? Will she outgrow it? Is there anything I can do? Hopefully I'm just worrying too much (since that's what we mommy's do). Thanks ladies!

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So What Happened?

So my daughter did eventually grow out of this. She is 6 1/2 now and never does it anymore. She did it less and less until she stopped entirely. I only brought attention to it when she would really go to town on her neck. I would ask her to please stop because I didn't want her to give herself a bruise and ask her if she was feeling nervous or scared. She always just said it felt good, that's why she did it. Thanks for your responses, and Roz I hope you daughter grows out of it also. This too shall pass.

More Answers



answers from Indianapolis on

I think Peg and Helen have hit the nail on the head.
We probably all have nervous habits - hers is just unique compared to what most kids do at that age.

We noticed recently that both of our kids stick their tongues out when they're really concentrating on something. Do we bring it to their attention? We don't think so, but we also don't want them to be teased about it.

Our son still sucks his thumb like Helen mentioned (he's 3.5). Our daughter will be 2 next weekend, and we're having a heck of a time getting rid of the pacifier despite it having affected her teeth already.

I had a friend in college who had to have a piece of lace to rub between her fingers when she was nervous. I used to finger spell (sign language) everything I said and heard on the radio/TV.

I would mention it to the pediatrician just in case it's not as uncommon as it seems and may indicate other behavior patterns. But, I wouldn't blame yourself or the environment in which you are bringing her up. It may just be part of her DNA to soothe herself, and this is the way it manifests itself.

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answers from New York on

she doesn't have any marks? the skin isn't raw? I would mention it to the pediatrician at your 3 year check-up, but not worry too much if she isn't hurting herself. My sons are 2.5-- one of them sucks his thumb like someone is going to steal it if he removes it from his mouth and the other will gently pull his hair on the top of his head when he's concentrating on something or in an unfamiliar situation (it's not just one or the other). He does it when he's tired, too. You said she does the pinching when she's tired-- it might be soothing to her and is therefore a good thing. I had a co-worker who twirls her hair and had done so since she was a toddler. Hope this helps calm your nerves a bit.

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answers from Portland on

Some of us (I am one) are just born with highly-sensitive nervous systems, and develop various ways to self-soothe that are stimulating enough to help us deal with stress or boredom. These behaviors have quite a range, from fiddling with hair, to nail biting, to cutting oneself (don't stress and start pulling YOUR hair out – that extreme is far from common).

You might be able to discourage or modify her relatively harmless behavior by helping her find a substitute (like touching something inanimate, like a worry stone or piece of jewelry) when she's a bit older, but I wouldn't try to break her of this habit if it's not hurting her. The need for a distracting coping mechanism might simply reemerge in some less appealing form. Sometimes the child will drop the habit herself. My grandson bit his nails for awhile at bedtime, but seems to have stopped by himself.

It's possible your daughter has an issue with sensory processing. Again, this is probably not a big deal, unless you notice other unusual behaviors starting. You might gain some insight by checking out http://www.sensory-processing-disorder.com/sensory-proces...



answers from Atlanta on

Both my daughters have had nervous habits, my older daughter (almost 7) outgrew her habit but not before causing me much stress - she used to pinch her nipple and would do this even in her sleep to the point where she caused some tissue growth. Let me tell you, I was very concerned, even thought maybe she had cancer and that she had been pinching because of an underlying problem. Thank goodness we have a very calm doctor who explained that she was causing the problem herself and since she was even doing this in her sleep suggested taping mittens to her hands and one piece sleepers. Eventually it all worked out and she outgrew it. Now my younger daughter (3 years) has a new habit, chewing her hair. I am working my through this one now, and I know that we will get past this one too.



answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter (22 months) does the same thing. Did your daughter eventually stop? We're concerned there's an underlying issue. She has very sensitive skin which is unusual since her Father and I do not... Sorry I don't have an answer, just another question.

Thank you!!

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