Something definitely isn't right. Not only get a 2nd opinion from another dentist but go to an orthodontist as well for his advice. It might be not having enough fluoride in the water, so the roots might be softer than usual. Good luck!
My 2-year-old grandson has lost 3 teeth in the last 6 months. He fell twice, hit himself in the mouth with a plastic bat once, and though his mouth wasn't bruised or bleeding....a tooth fell out by the roots each time. One of his lower front teeth is loose. This doesn't seem normal to me. I had 3 rough & tumble boys who fell many times and hit their mouths without loosing teeth. In fact, one of my boys had such a hard fall, he split his lip open and had to have 8 stitches....but he didn't lose a tooth. I'm worried that my grandson may have a health problem that is contributing to him losing teeth so easily. (When he hit himself with the plastic bat, he didn't even cry...it didn't leave a mark...but he lost his tooth.) His dentist just puts it down to 'boys will be boys' and they fall and hit their mouths and lose teeth. I don't know any child this age who has knocked out 3 teeth. Help! Anybody have any ideas on this?
Something definitely isn't right. Not only get a 2nd opinion from another dentist but go to an orthodontist as well for his advice. It might be not having enough fluoride in the water, so the roots might be softer than usual. Good luck!
His parents should def bring it up at his next well visit, that does seem a little extreme... I'm dealing with the other end of the spectrum - my nearly 8yo hasn't lost any teeth yet! Always something to worry about...
I will say this my nephew has lost 4 teeth and he is 3...he tends to hit them at "just the right spot" according to the Dentist. It happens and some kids are like that. As long as his Doctor & Dentist aren't concerned then you need to MYOB.....and that is JMHO.
I would look for a new dentist. This is not normal.
I think the question is whether he's losing his teeth because of a dental issue or if he's losing his teeth because he is falling a lot. How are his gross motor skills? Good luck! I would also check another dentist if you are worried.
Your son/daughter could get a second opinion from another dentist and get an evaluation done by a pediatrician. If it's still deemed normal and he's just a rough and tumble little boy, then you're going to have to back off on wondering if it's "normal" and maybe your grandson will need better supervision.
I think a second opinion would be great. I have 3 boys and they've never knocked out their teeth. Does he see a pediatric dentist? What does his pediatrician say?
I would take him to his pediatrician for an evaluation. Yes, there could be something going on that the dentist would be unaware of. He's probably right but I'd feel more comfortable if a pediatrician did a work up.
Thanks for all the input. My grandson is seeing a pediatric dentist. He is scheduled to see his pediatrician, so I'm looking forward to what he says. His motor skills and coordination are very good. His accidents have been 'normal' kid accidents.....slipped when playing on a hard plastic playground equipment piece at daycare & hit his mouth.....fell down another time....and was playing with plastic bat, hitting a doorframe, when he hit himself in the mouth....those were the 3 incidents when he lost his teeth. This is the first time I've been on this site....saw another post about a child's unusual dental problems & decided to post my grandson's situation to see if anyone had experienced the same type thing. To the person who suggested I MYOB....I'm his grandmother and one of his caregivers and his parents welcome my input as well as his other grandmother's....so I am minding my business. Thank you all. If we find out anything from the pediatrician, I will post again in case it can help someone else.