You didn't mention what time she is waking up. If she's waking up at 8:30 or 9 am she's probably just getting all the sleep she needs (including the nap) and it's just going from late night to late morning. My daughter who just turned 3, goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30 (and usually falls asleep within 20 minutes), wakes up anywhere from 6 to 7 and usually takes a two hour nap.
If she's waking up late, you can reset her clock by waking her up about 15 minutes earlier every few days until she's waking up about an hour or two earlier and then she'll be going to sleep and hour or two earlier. If she's waking up ealier, then she's probably just getting the sleep she needs.
Is she crying from 8 until 9 pm? Or is she just quietly laying in her bed? If she's being quiet, she's probably just decompressing and re-hashing her day, like we all do. How is she during the day? Is she usually happy or is she grouchy and unbearable? The latter indicating a probable lack of sleep.
Think about her behavior and her sleeping habits before making any changes. Things may just be fine the way they are, it's just not happening on the time-table you'd like. If she's clearly in need of sleep, then don't phase out her nap otherwise she might be too tired to fall asleep.
I hope what I said makes sense. :-)