I haven't ever had sleep all night babies:( That is out of 7!! So to me, you are very blessed with that schedule. I never liked the idea of introducing solids either, since their little digestive systems are very delicate. Good luck Mommy.
My 19 week old daughter goes to bed with a 4oz bottle between 8-9pm every night. She consistently wakes up at around 3am, to eat another bottle, then she goes back to sleep.
Is there any hope for her sleeping until at least 5 soon? Any tips to get her to sleep until 5?
I should also add that I have started her on solids. She LOVES it! But she doesn’t eat too much of it, just a little oatmeal cereal and some apples, pears, or bananas for breakfast, and baby some carrots or sweet potatoes for a lunch. She loves it, but is still learning the whole process so doesn’t eat too much of it.
To those who gave me advice on her sleeping patterns, the question I asked about. Thank you :) Very kind responses. I think I am just a tired momma because I have to be up at 5 for work, and when you wake up at 3 its hard to get back to sleep. But, I am thankfull she is on such a great schedule!
Gamma G...you are very rude. and insensitive. How and what I feed my baby is none of your business. My daughter 'tastes' baby food. Like I said she has tried food, she doesnt eat it regulary. She has MAYBE 8-10 tiny bites a sitting, I am introducing her to food, and new tastes...and she LOVES it. Not to mention her Pediatrician recommend that I let her try it.
My daughter drinks the same amount of formula that she has since before she tried solids. She is getting PLENTY of nutrition. Her trying solids has not changed her behavior or her sleeping patterns, they have been exactly the same.
She has NEVER been sick. She is ALWAYS laughing and smiling. She is in the 90 percentile for her weight and 80 percentile for her height. The doctor was amazed at how well she can stand up, hold her head up, and sit up pratically on her own.
So tell me....how am I depriving my daughter? Since when have you been in my house? So rude! I thought this was for moms to give each other support.
To those who did. Thank you :)
I haven't ever had sleep all night babies:( That is out of 7!! So to me, you are very blessed with that schedule. I never liked the idea of introducing solids either, since their little digestive systems are very delicate. Good luck Mommy.
Well from 8 - 3 is 7 hours. that is a great stretch. Feeding more or more dense foods at this age really won't help with the sleeping situation.
I'd give it some more time. My son woke up at 3 am to nurse until he was almost a year old. He'd go right back to sleep and so would I:)
My only tip would be to push her bed time back by 45 minutes or so to see if that has any effect. Also, if you have the luxury, go ahead and go to bed when she does at 9 that way you, too, have had 7ish hours of sleep.
Good luck it is so hard watching that clock turn wanting just a few more minutes to sleep:)
19 weeks is still very young. I'm sure you're exhausted but the best thing to do is let them form their sleeping pattern. Sounds like you have are on a stable routine so thats good. Hang in there mama!
I found that with my daughter introducing solids had absolutely nothing to do with how well/long she slept. It just took time. She didn't sleep all night until around 11 months, but now she sleeps like a champ so it was worth being patient. Good luck-you'll get there!
My daughter woke up to nurse every night at 1:00 and then at 5:00 until she was 11 months old. Then she woke up at 1:00 until she was 13 months old. I never felt this was unusual or excessive, just normal for a baby. I was extremely glad she was not waking up every two hours like some her age were...
She's 5months old. Skip the 3am.Pretend you don't hear her and she will fall back asleep and that will be it. Usually one time is all it takes.
Babies do not need to start on solids until they are at least 6 months old. This is not good for the baby.
She needs the nutrition from the formula until she is about a year old and switches to whole vitamin D milk. Combined with normal table food she should be getting her full nutrition at that time.
BABY FOOD HAS VERY VERY VERY LITTLE NUTRITION. According to Gerber, baby food is only for teaching little ones to chew and swallow, to be introduced to different textures and different flavors, not to feed them.
They expect parents to give the baby a bottle before they give them any baby food. They add vitamins and stuff to baby food but the light, the air, the temperature, all these effect the food and by the time it has been on the shelf even a couple of weeks it has lost most of the nutrition value it had to start with.
You are depriving her of her needed nutrition by feeding her food instead of formula. It's like giving a starving person crackers instead of a meal. It fills them up but they are still starving for the needed nutrients and even though their tummies are full they are still seeking to eat.
Feeding food before their stomach is ready causes gas issues that makes them wake up or stay up all night, it makes them hungrier due to not having enough nutrition, they are hungry all the time.
She is young yet, please just do the bottles until she is much older.
For 19 weeks she is doing great! My oldest did not sleep through the until he was 5!!!
How about making the bottle bigger like 6 ounces? That should help her because she is hunger at 3am. Her tummy is only so big and it is empty.
She has just slept 6 hours and that is usually what they call a full night's sleep for a baby that age. Possibly you could feed her earlier. My last bottle for kids was about 11pm and they slept until 5 am. You will have to adjust your schedule and she could be going through a growth spurt or begining to cut teeth.
Just go with her lead and things shoudl work out. Solids are not recommended at this age.
Joys of parenthood.
The other S.
Have you tried looking at what others did?