I don't have any advice, unfortunately, but do want you to know you aren't alone. I have a 3 year old and 19 month old. The short story is my 3 year old sleeps beautifully, but my 19 month old has kept me up since the day she was born.... We are making slow progress, but at this point she still usually wakes me up around 2AM and again at 5AM. (That's an improvement from every 1-3 hours!) She just seems to be a very different personality from our 3 year old. She is a character, a doll. Sensitive and funny. She had colic and was breast fed until 10 months. She is terrible at self soothing and wants me. I have taken to sleeping with her after I get up just so that I can get sleep. I just started this a couple of months ago and it seems to have given me hope that I couldn't have when I was so sleep deprived. Prior to this I was teary and irritable beyond anything I've ever experienced. I'm still short on sleep, but it is better than it was. I can get her to go back to sleep after the first awakening, but it takes awhile....(I don't know exactly, because I'm in such a fog myself, but at times longer than a hour!)that's why I get so tired. I end up giving her warm milk in her sippy cup at 5 AM and then she goes back to sleep for another hour or so..... I've tried water, but she refuses it and just keeps me up all night. I'm assuming this is just her, and keep trying a little at a time. Next plan is to stretch out the time I give her the milk, that's how I progressed her so far. Also, next is for me not to go to sleep with her so I can work with her improving her self-soothing. I need to be a little better on sleep to do this, because I get so "out of it" in the middle of the night I'm not thinking clear and end up just doing whatever gets me sleep, because I'm so desperate. I believe there are solutions to this, but at least for me it won't be over night and I believe in part dependent on her continued maturity. Good luck.