I have had two friends go through this with late-walker babies. One took her son to PT and he started walking around 16 months of age, but he never saw a neurologist, b/c they figured they would just give the PT a try first. Her second child also walked late (17 months!) but the same doc never said a thing about her dtr having low muscle tone like her son did. They never took her to PT or anything and she started walking when she was ready.
My other friend had a dtr that walked late and they were running all kinds of neuro eval's on her, but nothing turned up. (She also didn't talk much by 16 months), but now she is almost 5 and completely healthy. You can't tell the late walkers from the early walkers by the time they are two years old!
My hubby is a PT, and doesn't specialize in Pediatric therapy, but he has friends that do. They all said sometimes docs will send overly concerned parents (like most of us tend to be!) to PT or a neuro doc to reassure them or make them feel like they are "doing something", when really, 99% of the time, the child will just walk or talk when they are developmentally ready to do so. He doesn't think they do it as a "racket" - most of them don't benefit financially from sending you to a specialist - but the pediatricians and family docs simply don't want the same parents calling 10 times a week about the same issue, so they give them something to do about it.
This is in no way a judgement about you or any other overprotectors out there. I was the same way with my first born - and it seems the only times I ever took him to the ER or urgent care was whenever my hubby was gone and couldn't be reached. He keeps me grounded when the HyperMommy in me wants to panic! :) My first child visited the doc for every runny nose or rash he got for the first two years. I relaxed a little more with my second son, and kids #2 and #3 have been to the ER a combined total of half what my #1 child has been! That is just our instinct - to protect our kids and if there is something wrong, get it fixed!
Try to relax around your baby and not push him to walk. My first walked at a year ("normal"), my second walked before he was 9 months! I was not ready for that! But my dtr, who was born 2 months early, didn't walk until she would have been (corrected age) almost 15 months. Some babies just have lower muscle tone, but as far as brain function goes, they are perfectly healthy! Try not to worry until 18 months. If it will make you feel better to see the neurologist, go see him/her. But if his other milestones are developing normally, I would cancel that app't for a couple of months and then see where you are!
Pray and let nature take its course - you will know when your mommy instinct REALLY tells you to go see the doc!
Let us know how things turn out!
All the best,