You are probably gonna laugh. I just saw this today. I had this discussion with my 14 yr yesterday!!!
He asked about bedtimes. My rule and my dh enforces it. If you can get up and get ready with your own alarm clock, be cheerful, and be prepared for school/work then you can move your bedtime later. :-) That has been my rule since they were in school. No exceptions.
So my 14 yr gets sent to his room at 9 pm. He brushes his teeth and fiddles around so he is really in bed by 9:30-10:00.
He is not a morning person so he does not have to be mr happy, but if he cannot politely say 'good morning, may I have eggs today?' or 'I can not wear my red shirt because I laid out white one and that is okay' then he needs more sleep. ;-)
I walk down the hall - if there is no activity their bedroom lights come, I holler loudly good morning kiddo, will turn on the radio if I have to. :-) I have only once done my dad's old trick. Get a glass of ice cold water and pour one drop on their face...then another...then another. I hated that with a passion!!! LOL
Good luck,