Growing into an adolescent body can be extremely uncomfortable. EVERYTHING is changing, nothing feels right, things that have worked a certain way your whole life suddenly don't work at all or take too much effort. I remember loving to run, just for the fun of it, as a child - then came breasts, and running was never comfortable again. I'd also reached my full height, 5'8', by age 12. Imagine how awkward that was - I was not only taller than kids my own age, but a lot of adults.
One thing that jumped out at me was the fact that only meat seems to satisfy her hunger. That sounds to me like hypoglycemia (chronic low blood sugar), a condition that runs in my family (occasionally even when tests show blood work to be in the "normal" range). I'll bet your daughter has an O blood type, too. For me, and most of my family, protein foods are the most important things we eat. Bread fills most people up, but not anyone who's hypoglycemic. In order to feel full, I need protein. Chicken, ham, chili, peanut butter & scrambled eggs are all great foods for me, but if my blood sugar has been particularly low, especially over a few days, I'll start craving huge slabs of red meat. It's especially important to have a high protein breakfast. Otherwise, I'll be hungry and grouchy, headachy and shaky all day. In extreme cases, I'll even faint. See if eating high protein foods, especially in the morning, helps her. Snacks with nuts are also great.