Hi, J.!
Congratulations on your engagement!
I Wish you all Happiness!!!
I really feel for you! I gained a lot weight after 2 pregnancies, and tried to loose weight, by buying a book (Bill Phillips"Eating for life"), it's a very good book, but it takes a lot time to cook 5 times a day just for myself, then for family and trying not to try theirs food. Of course i went to gym, but when you eating not right even gym doesn't help. So i was looking for easy way, which don't take a lot time and effective. I saw a commercial on TV in gym about Nutrisystem. You saw it too probably. First thing i searched the web: http://www.nutrisystem.com/
I was thinking about this a few days. If you think you spend the same amount of money for your regular food, BUT they offer already prepared dishes, right amount and schedule!!!
That's all i needed! Fast, simple and taste really good!
"Just stick with the program!"
Even if you don't go to gym it works, but with gym you can loose you weigh much faster, and not just a walk for 30 min, you really need a good workout!
This program also giving very good support online, you can call any time, talk to them, ask advices. Talk to Nutrisystem counselors ask suggestions about what workout you can do. Also you can ask advice any trainer in gym about workout, they can tell what exercises is better for you.
If you interested and decided to go for it i can send you a discount coupon, which program gave me for my friends and you can use it without any obligations. I just want to help you.
When you look good, yours self esteem is better and you can be proud of yourself, and raising great family and kids.
About good vitamins i can tell you for women is the best "Bee Royal jelly" - contents 28 natural vitamins and minerals!
there is a link where you can buy the best:
Also for women very good is "OMEGA 3 KRILL OIL", especially with a period time(takes a pain off!!!) Gives an energy, i am not feeling sleepy anymore during the day! Clears up the mind, gives a concentration, and this all natural!
You can take 1 or 2 a day. Even good for kids.
There is a link where you can buy OMEGA 3 KRILL OIL :
You can also buy at wholsale price, when you enroll at that web.
By the way you can make an extra income also from this website, if you are interested. All you need to do go to pre-recorded web cast that company is actually making live every Tuesday and Wednesday.
You can stay healthy and making extra income the same time, if you like money. I joined this business a few month ago and i am amazed and I thought that you will like this opportunity.
There is no start up cost and its extremely simple.
After previewing the presentation, if you would like to enroll, go to my personal website to enroll.
I wish you only all the very best!