Hi J.,
my son didn't like milk at first either. i slowly added it too his formula bottles at about 10 months and by 11 months he loved it. if you use the liquid concentrate, try 4 oz. formula, 4 oz. water and 2 oz. milk. and increase the milk by 2 oz each week and decrease the water and formula by 1 oz. that should work! if not try 2% milk it still has the same vitamins and minerals in it just not all the fat. my son (now 15 months) stopped drinking milk for about a month and spit up when he would drink it and i tried everything. i tried chocolate milk and strawberry too and that didn't even work. then i tried 2% and thats all he drinks now. the whole milk might be too thick for her and maybe thats why she doesn't like it. try the 2% it worked for me! good luck!