I had a similar problem with my son. In fifth grade he was an "A" student with what he called not so many friends. In 6th grade he found that by being a clown he was making people laugh and he was now popular. Since then it was downward, him failing his classes and i even put him into a special school. He did well at that and was transferred back into public school. Well at this point he coiunldnt adapt to regular school again and now he is 17 and school just isnt a happening thing. I am not trying to scare you but just trying to hint to nip it in the butt as they may say and hope you can lead him on the right path..I wish i would have known what i was doing to prevent it. I was told not to worry that certain kids arent "made for school" but i still think i did something wrong...Geez..maybe i need the advice...lol..I also work 3 jobs and husband is disabled and no help to me...dont lose faith in him and do the best you can!!!