Hi Tiffany, I had the EXACT same problem when my son was that age. I off handidly mentioned it to my dr and she said STOP. She said at that age, unless there is something wrong with them (and there was nothing wrong with my son) they should be sleeping through the night. She said plain and simple, let him cry when he wakes in the night. She told me he would cry for a long time the first night and not to give in. (Of course you want to make sure they are ok, but if you know they are, then just let them cry and don't let them see you.) So the first night he cried and cried and it was brutal (and my husband wanted to give in and get him), but after 45 minutes he fell back asleep and slept until the morning. The next night he only cried for 15 minutes and slept until the morning. He now is 4 and always sleeps through the night, except for normal issues. I wish my doctor had told me that a LOT earlier. I think of all the sleep we missed. Oh, and his eating slowly picked up too. The doctor said a child will not starve themselves when there is food available, so not to worry.
ps. I suggest doing this on a night when your husband is traveling, because they want to give in to shut them up and that doesn't help!