J.- Try calling information and ask for the number to the department of health in your county and have them transfer the call to an early intervention specialist. Nip it in the butt while he is still young. He might just need some Occupational theraphy. It never hurts to get these services and they are free.
My daughter was mildly delay due to many ear infections and I was hesistant and once she turned 2 I made the call. A few weeks later she got eveluated and was approved for speech and occupational theraphy, since her delay affected some fine motor. She had early intervention services until she aged out at 3.She progressed nicely while she was there and now that she has tubes in her ear she does better. She was sent to a special school that ages out at age 5.
If it gets that far, they help with all the paperwork and if it becomes to stressful they can also schedule a social worker to help aleviate any stress or to help you understand anything that is being done or taught to your son, give you options to help improve his way of life. They also help you find a therapy group that right for him. None of the help she has gotten this far will go on her perminent record once she turns 5 and gets re-evaluated for kindergarden and if its found that she still needs services at that time, then it would appear on her perminent record. But I was told it might not come to that since she has progressed so nicely since she began preschool.
I hope my information has become useful to you.