Here is where I start to think there were involved. The parents say the person must have come through the window to get the baby. (The window was open, or damaged in some way.) SO...the kidnapper then walks through the house, TURN on several lights, with people HOME, takes all cellphones, and opens the door, and waltzes out. Really? Because, babies being woken up in the middle on the night are never upset. They aren't startled, reminded they might be hungry, coo, scream, etc. He or she took time to turn all the lights on?? So everyone in the house could wake up? With a BABY? That was perfectly quiet, not a peep? Uh huh. The cell phones. Why did they need 3? Were 2 personal, and one work? If so, how does a nighttime on-call electrician do a whole shift with NO phone. If it wasn't a work phone, why 3. I'm certain the police have already tried to ping the phone. IF there was a kidnapper, they would have turned it off (being the genius light leaving on kind of guy he was), so the GPS could not be accessed. ALL phones have GPS when they are on. The cell company would have record of the phones all being turned off. The towers would have been dinged by that. The police has searched the same piece of land near their home 3 times. Police are not that dumb. OK, they can be. However, they have other agencies involved now. Why would the FBI (and whoever else is involved) OK the time wasting of one place being searched 3 times...if there wasn't an idea that something happened there?
In these cases, there is a mountain of evidence we don't know about. I would be shocked to find the people aren't involved. It really seems to me the parents themselves didn't get their story straight with each other, which would explain separating them. I am no detective, but separating them seems like crime solving 101 to me.
To be very clear, I hope with everything this baby is found safe and sound. I don't WANT anything to have happened to her. I hope this is all a rare crime, and the baby is returned to her parents. Yes, I'll admit it would ease my personal worst fears if it were the parents, and not a random person! I do sincerely hope it was a person desperate for a child, and they will do the right thing. That would be the best outcome in this scenario. I hope all these things that don't add up, are just terrible consequences and they baby is found alive.