Hi, Im a mother of 4. I think that is great that she's only taking 20 oz of formula. The switch to milk is gonna be so EASY.... That is great that she's eating solid foods already, I was always so nervous that they were gonna choke. But each of childrens schedules were very different. My oldrest who's 8 1/2 yo, when he was 10 months old, my mother was feeding him solid foods too.( I was too nervous) He wake up around 8am, ate, played and etc, nap around 12ish ate lunch (he usually fall asleep while eating lunch) and was in bed by 8 to 9ish. My daughter whos 6 when she 10 months old she was in daycare part time, so she woke up at 6ish, ate breakfast, napped at daycare, came home ate dinner and was in bed by 6pm. My 3rd child who's 3 1/2 around 10 months old, he woke up by 7 am, had a bottle and breakfast he was also was at daycare. Came home had dinner and etc and was in bed at 8 p.m. Lastly my 19 month old, when he was 10 months old ( he's currently under a GI for under weight) it was a b**tch to get him to drink his bottle. He took naps when ever usually about 2 naps a day but he goes to bed by 11 pm, He ate whatever we did or what ever baby/toddler food we had on hand. (anything that we know that he'll eat)
Well I hope this helps. From experience babys at that age get tired of the formula (especially if you take them off the bottle and start gaving him the sippy cup) That's happen to me with my third, I could only get him to drink milk from the bottle, my pedi was fully aware of this and was okay with it because I was having another child. But when I was in the hospital my mother in law took the cup away from him, now he won't drink milk if I paid him, so I sub it with yogurt or etc. Let me know if you need any more advise, Im always around!