*Adding This: Like Terra said I synchronize my kids naps/bedtime the same and same times. Sometimes, one kid does not want to nap because the other one is awake and not going to nap. My daughter is now 7 years old.. and she still sometimes naps when she is tired. She napped everyday, consistently, until she was in the 1st grade. They do benefit from it, as Terra said. My son is 3.5, and he naps everyday in the afternoon. They don't battle about it... the key for me was having a daily routine about it, and it is just a part of the day.
wow not easy huh?
My daughter was a real challenge to put to sleep or nap as well.
For her, it was either gas, or hunger, or teething... and she was sensory sensitive meaning, that ANY sounds would wake her... even the toilet flushing. She has real good ears. And her mind was just very active. Or, she just needed to be co-slept with. That is how she slept the best and consistently. It was just her and her personality. NO "methods" would work for her, although I tried.
The only thing that worked for her was either swaddling when she was an infant or co-sleeping.
She also had a ginormous appetite (I was breastfeeding) and she fed a lot. I fed her on-demand. Not according to a schedule.
1 year old is also a growth-spurt time... so maybe he just needs more intake. It is also a time of lots of developmental changes and hitting milestones. This tweaks a baby's sleep as well.
Before nap or bed... allow the child to wind-down first. This can even take 1/2 hour before actually putting him down for nap. Look for his sleepy cues. Don't wait until he is over-tired before you put him down. By then it is too late.. .and the child is ALREADY over-tired... and over-tired babies/kids actually do not sleep well nor fall asleep well, and they wake more.
Have a routine everyday. The SAME routine everyday, pre-nap and pre-bed. Making everything quiet, and keyed down.
It could also be that he is over-stimulated. And this does not enable a baby to sleep well either... and they can't calm down enough to sleep. For my daughter, every noise or hyper activity before bed/nap, just made her TOO stimulated to sleep. For naps/bed, don't just stop an activity then plunk him down in the crib. That is too abrupt of a "transition." Do the transitioning gradually. He needs to wind-down first.
Or, put on some white noise while he is napping/sleeping. This helps too. At least is did for my daughter and son. I turn on a fan on low, in the room, while my kids nap or sleep. Oh sorry, you do have white noise....
Also, it may be separation-anxiety. Which arises at certain age-junctures. This also makes a baby/kid not want to sleep or they get upset.
Keep his nap/sleep times consistent. Not changing it everyday. It has to be the SAME everyday. Some kids don't do well when it varies. Some kids just need routine.... and the same sequence of events or routine everyday, pre-nap or pre-sleep. That is how my son is. A baby/child... typically gets tired at about the same time everyday... so observe him... and according to that, that is when you need to put him to nap... and bedtime do not make it too late.
just some thoughts,
All the best,