Babies don't do stuff like this. They do want attention but they also want independence and to explore. I'd call the doc and make an appointment. But I'd also get this on video so he can see the extent of what she's doing.
My 1 year old had a fit yesterday, seemed a little sick and uncomfortable had some Tylenol her fever is gone she was talking and and such happily in her crib this morning. However it was horrendous crying yesterday when she was for worse, we sat and comforted her talk to her sometimes it'd escalate the crying but we stayed by her. Well today just when I think everything is better she is suddenly crying and screaming at me when I touch her legs, move them more so. Every time she goes to stand she cries and stops trying now.I just helped her stand up and she absolutely refuses to get down and is screaming and crying when I know she knows how she cruises and such like a dream. My worry is she used to presistantly do this in the past to get people's attention to get her down from standing. And was very determined and would continue doing this almost non-stop screaming and eventually if you lured her down she'd get down knowing the attention wasn't going to work. Well she is doing this behavoir right now but much worse and won't get down and I can hardly change a diaper or move her legs with out screaming and crying. Should I call the doctor? Could this be for attention? Could her legs have gotten effected from the fever? Please help it has been a nightmare. :<
EDIT: Appointment today at 2:30. I am a first time mama I am still learning. Unfortunately she is not too cuddly today, rather grumpy understandably so. I knocked the normal heat level in the house, water and diluted juice until we get there. She is content staying in one spot and playing with her favorite toy for now. I will consider the possibility of an ear infection too. But the doctor should know best. She is showing other symptoms like no eating well that I don't think are ear related but we will see. Hope for the best.
UPDATE LASTEST: Turned out she had the terrible terrible luck of being sick and had a small fracture all at once on her right leg! Between all the crying from feeling sick and her leg we had no clue, but we got in as soon as possible and they put her in a purple cast and she should have it off by March13th! And she is already cruising through our place like nothing happened at all and stepping on our toes with it and as happy as a clam! She even had a playdate recently that went terrific minus well having trouble sharing a toy haha. Thank you for all your replies <3 and concerns. Also we are guessing it is from her super hard crib kicking at night, sometimes even getting her leg caught in the slates we have put up a breathable mesh crib shield to keep her extra safe now and it is working like a dream.
Babies don't do stuff like this. They do want attention but they also want independence and to explore. I'd call the doc and make an appointment. But I'd also get this on video so he can see the extent of what she's doing.
O. year olds don't manipulate.
Get off of the Internet and get her to the doc.
If my child had a sudden onset of noticeable pain like you describe........
I would be sitting in my Pedi's office STAT getting it checked out instead of wondering what to do.
You know something is not right.... GO to the Dr.
Of course you should call. Immediately.
She was sick yesterday. She's in pain today. Call the doctor.
It's ok to give her attention. At 1 year, she is not trying to manipulate you. If she's crying for attention it's because she has a need that isn't being met. You can't spoil her, so if that's the only reason you aren't going to her when she cries, stop. You need to meet her needs.
I would try that first. If the crying continues, go ahead and call the doctor's office. The nurse should be able to ask you some questions and help you determine whether or not this is something to be concerned about.
I would have her seen by your pediatrician. If she was sick yesterday, she could have an ear infection which makes babies cranky & clingy and causes them ear pain when they are moving from lying down to sitting/standing. Have her checked.
Above all, cuddle her and comfort her.
T. Y.
When did she get her last vaccine?
When my brother was very young (had just learned to walk) he jumped out of the car on top of my brother. He cried, my brother cried, and then things were ok.
My mom carried him in the house and put him down and he crawled around. But every time he would stand up he would cry incessantly. SHe would pick him up and he would stop. Put him back down and he would cry. My mom took him to the doctor and it turned out he had broken his leg!
Hopefully that is not the case with your daughter. I think it is unlikely that at such a young age she is manipulating you.
I want to mention this because I went through this exact same situation with my son when he was about two or three. We ended up in the emergency room and no one could figure out what was wrong with him but when I would try to put him down for him to walk he would scream in pain and pull his legs up. He had recently gotten over a virusbut the fever was gone and he was not very sick anymore- maybe just a sniffle. The hospital did not know what it was and kept trying to test him for Scarlett fever because they were grasping at straws and that was all they could think of. They basically sent us home with no answers and I started researching like crazy. I finally took him to children's specialists in San Diego and spoke with one of their doctors after I found a condition online called "Benign Acute Childhood Myositis" that I felt matched what he was going through. It turned out the doctor agreed completely that that was what was wrong with him and it was self limiting and resolved within a few days. It is basically something that happens when a child has the influenza virus (the A strain I believe) and the virus pretty much attacks the leg muscles, especially the calves. The child will resist flexing the muscle due to the pain. It is worth looking in to especially if your kiddo has recently been sick, I was terrified when no one knew what was wrong with him and I thought he would never walk again!! Good luck!
It costs nothing to call the pediatrician who knows your child and has her medical history. I'm not sure why you would hesitate to do that. I think calling would be much more efficient than putting a post on a website and then waiting while the responses come in. This is a good site to use for things that are not time sensitive, but for acute issues, it takes too long.
My guess would be a virus of some sort. It happened to my nephew. Glad you are going to doctor. Please let us know how you make out. Hope she feels better soon.
I don't know what her issue may be, but my son was 2.5 when he stopped walking. It started with a limp that followed a fever. After a couple of days he refused to walk. Many tests later we found out he has an autoimmune issue called JRA. With this when he gets sick his immune system goes into over drive and attacks his joints, causing pain and swelling.
Hope she feels better soon! ♥