If you ever eat spoiled food take activated charcoal. This comes in chewable tablets. You can buy it at health food stores. Charcoal absorbs poisons. It really works well. AF
My one year old daughter just ate some spoiled ham and I'm not sure what to do. I just came home from the grocery store, opened up a brand new package of ham with an expiration date of late April and put some tiny pieces of it on her tray. It looked and smelled fine. However, after she ate a few bites I took a piece for myself and noticed that it tasted off. I brought the package close to my face to smell it and then noticed a strong ammonia-like odor. She probably ate about a half a slice or less, but I'm very concerned. I'll watch her closely and call the doctor if I see any problems (it's been about a half hour since she ate it and she's fine so far), but is there anything I can do right now? My husband is at Safeway as we speak talking to a manager, and I've learned my lesson to NEVER give her something without trying it first. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Thanks for the responses! It's been almost 24 hours now and the baby seems fine. In fact, she had a great day and seems healthy and happy. Phew! Thanks again.
If you ever eat spoiled food take activated charcoal. This comes in chewable tablets. You can buy it at health food stores. Charcoal absorbs poisons. It really works well. AF
My niece once drank a bottle of milk that we didn't notice had been sitting out on the table all day (there was a party, everyone was busy....) She threw up a couple of times maybe 2 hours later, and then that was the end of it. Not a good thing to go through, but she'll probably be fine. Just keep a close eye on her for the next 12 hours :)
what doesn't make her sick makes her stronger. she's building up immunities and getting healthy bacteria in here. i wouldn't worry unless she's vomiting, but call your doc anyway.
Can't say I have as I have a huge pet peeve with expiration dates, nothing enters the home expired and I don't have anoyone eat or use anything with the date of expiration on it, and believe it or not everything just about expires. I pray that everything is okay and that she is not effected.
Once my daughter drank several gulps of a yogurt shake that had been left out overnight in a sippy cup that she had stashed underneath some furniture. I was completely appalled and worried, but she was absolutely fine. She was also about one year old at the time. However, just because deli meat, like ham, can carry listeria, I think that you are right to keep an eye on her. If it makes you feel better, you could just check in with your doctor.
So the meat wasn't Supposed to be expired (was it april 09)? If it wasn't actually expired, it sounds like poor handling! Yikes! I have no idea what to do, I would say ask a Dr. to be sure. You can call them and ask w/out an appt. if they think you need one, they will tell you! Hope all is well for your lil lady!
If she is going to get sick from something she ate it would take 6-8 hours for symptoms to appear.
Hi -- I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! If it helps, our daughter had some hamburger meat once that just didn't seem right to me (also not expired), and she was fine. I think it takes 8-10 hours before you would see signs of anything. I'd call the pediatrician just in case, but they will probably say not to worry. Kids are hardier than we think. I hope it works out OK!