With my two little ones, every time there was a new milestone, sleep was affected. It always went back after a little while, so I just kept to the routine and eventually they would go back. It became very clear with both of them when they were ready for one nap - they would sleep in the morning and not in the afternoon or they would not sleep in the morning, even when they were in their crib for a while. But I kept trying the two naps for at least a couple of weeks after these symptoms started, just to make sure.
My kids didn't cry in the cribs at all either, but during these times when they were overtired they would sometimes cry when I put them in. For a week or so each time I put them in bed for morning nap but with a stuffed animal so they had some other distraction. Sometimes they would fall asleep, other times they would just stand up in the crib and play with the animal.
Hope my experience is helpful, though all kids are definitely different. Good luck!