Thrush: Luvs

Results 1-10 from 33 articles

Diaper Rash?

C.S. asks from Jacksonville

I'm just wondering about any other mom's with diaper rash experience. I'm not asking about what creams to use, etc., but in dealing with diapers. My 2yr old has dev...


Rash, Rash, Rash!!!!!

K.R. asks from Los Angeles

Where do I begin? I took Bella into the pediatrician's office for what I thought was sever diaper rash. Her doctor sent me home with medication for a yeast infectio...


Constant Diaper Rash

R.B. asks from Norfolk

My oldest daughter has always had a diaper rash. Lately I have been noticing it much worse. It goes in spurts and is very unpredictable. It gets very bad sometimes ...


Breastfeeding Woes

M.A. asks from Houston

What to do about yeast infection on the nipple while breastfeeding?


5 Month Old with a Recurring Yeast Infection

C.F. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had a problem with their babies having a recurring yeast infection? I have a 5 month old baby boy and this is the second time he's ...


Sore Butt on 3 Month Old but Barely Any Rash, Won't Seem to Go Away..

A.L. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter seems to have a diaper rash but there is very very little there- there was a faint pink inside the crevice & near the ring- nurse prac said it is a mild m...


Yeast Infection Not Healing

E.M. asks from Norfolk

Has anyone dealt with a yeast infection on a baby boy? My almost 5 month old got one almost 3 weeks ago and it is just not clearing up. We used the prescribed medic...


HORRID Diaper Rash!

M.W. asks from Wichita

HELP! My daughter gets HORRID diaper rash when she teeths. (My sister and I both had this problem as well, per my mom) One poppy diaper can literally eat her skin and...


How to handle diaper rashes on girl infant that come and go?

D.B. asks from Dallas

My 17 month old girl has some sort of a rash in her diaper area. It goes all the way from the front all the way up to the top of her crack in the back. I've been putt...


Unresponsive and Unexplained Rash

L.H. asks from Austin

I've tried ALL the "typical" remedies for the rash that my 9 mo. old boy-charge (I'm his nanny) has along with his parents who have repeatedly taken him to his pediat...