Swaddling & Sleep Sacks: Older Child, Princess

8 articles

Two Month Old Twins and a 2 1/2 Year Old

M.H. asks from Buffalo

I was wondering if anyone has/had twins with an older toddler sibling. My daughter was the "princess" before her twin brothers came along and it's so hard to divide t...


Sleeping Thru the Night??

S.F. asks from Dallas

Am I expecting too much? Our daughter is 6 1/2 weeks old, and we are feeding her every 4 hours. She takes about 4-5 ounces at every feeding. She usually naps a little...


Letting Baby Cry

L.D. asks from Dallas

I have been told to let my baby cry her self to sleep. She has been fed and has a clean diaper, but she is fighting her sleep. Has anyone else just let the baby cry...


Substitution for Bumpers for 2 Year Old in crib--Great Response Helped!!!

L.J. asks from New York

*****My beautiful daughter pulled herself out of her crib yesterday scaring the daylights out of me. Luckily, she was not hurt. I caught her in the act as she was doi...


Pack N Play or Co-sleeping

L.S. asks from New York

Hi All Mommies, My brain is on overload right now with all the products out there for babies. This is my first baby, and with so much info..........HELP Please. My b...


Big Sister Party ~ Ideas

P.C. asks from Portland

I'm due with baby #2 (another little girl) in June and instead of a "baby shower" I would rather do a Big Sister Party for my older daughter, once the baby and I are ...


The Dreaded Spit Up

M.S. asks from Tulsa

I have an 8 week old son who has been on 2 different types of medicines for over 2 weeks now. He is still spitting up and vomiting profusely all throughout the day. T...


Things Mom's Want to Know When Expecting First Child.

S.J. asks from Los Angeles

I'm preparing a newborn class for new parents. I would like to know what are topics of concern for mothers expecting their first baby, or things you wished you knew w...