Summer Camp & Activities: Hydrocortisone

80 answers

HELP! I Have Eczema

I was diagnosed last summer with eczema. I have breakouts on my legs and under arms. I have been using a steroid cream for 8 months. It controls the symptoms but I don't want to keep using it due to the side effects. Has anyone else had this condition? And what other alternatives can I use to keep it under control. I already use soaps without dyes or fragrances. I use Cetaphil lotion. I am open to any suggestions. Thanks!

Day Camp

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17 answers

Summer Camp - One Item to Remember to Send?

I'm sending my 9 year old daughter off to sleepaway camp for the first time. She's going with a friend and is very excited. She's had tons of sleepovers, so I'm not terribly worried about homesickness....well not her's anyway :-) Aside from the usual list of things to take, what is the one overlooked item you wish you would have sent? Is there anything else extra special you have done for your child? I'm preparing note cards with photos of us, her dog, etc. to mail in advance as they have mail delivery every day to the kids, and I'll...