Soy Milk: Pulmicort

Results 1-10 from 68 articles

Pulmicort - Steroids for Asthma/Lung Issues

D.G. asks from Detroit

Do any of you have children who have taken Pulmicort or another steroid for asthma/lung issues. My son was born 3 months premature and therefore had immature lungs. ...


11 Month Old Prescribed Pulmicort

L.C. asks from Athens

My 11 month son who wheezes from time to time had a recheck on his ear infection today. Well he was wheezing today and the doctor prescribed Pulmicort to use in his ...


Reactive Airway Disease...dairy Free Diet?

A.M. asks from Houston

My 9 month old daughter has just been diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease. She has been put on pulmicort and albuteral for a short period. My question is: I have r...


Silent Reflux?

W.H. asks from Dallas

Hello. My daughter is 4 months old and has wheezed, coughed, and been hoarse almost since day 1 and with varying degrees. She got bronchiolitis (RSV onset) at 2 mon...


My Baby Has Asthma - UPDATE

S.M. asks from Los Angeles

My son had bronchiolitis when he was three months old, then it turned into asthma. Once he gets a cold, he starts coughing and then wheezing. So I have to give him ...


Need Pediatric Dermatologist And/or Ped. Allergist Recommendations

L.W. asks from Phoenix

Hi moms, My 2 1/2 year old son has been on Pulmicort for asthma since Sept. He recently was able to stop the nebulizer treatments. During the course of treatment, h...


Freaking Out....

H.S. asks from Greensboro

My little girl is almost 11 months old and has some respiratory problems recently. She has been in the hospital all weekend with breathing difficulty. She is doing ...


6Mo Son Has Had Congested Cough for Months

C.S. asks from Tulsa

Hi, my now 6 month old son has this congested cough that he has been carrying for a couple months. I've gon through the nebulizer, donatussing, otc remedies, and we ...


Allergy Testing Ideas

M.W. asks from Great Falls

My two-year-old son has had asthmatic symptoms in the past. (He uses pulmicort) He also, in the last three months, has developed bright red cheeks and allergy eyes....


Is It Asthma or Something Else?

T.M. asks from Detroit

Another question for you very helpful ladies. This is kind of long sorry. Well my 3.5 yr old daughter has had a cough for 3 weeks now. Here is some background info...