Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, Pack n Play

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26 answers

Pack N Play Mattress?

Hello! My son is just over a year and we are planning a beach house trip this summer. We want to bring the Pack N Play for him to sleep in, but the pad is so thin and uncomfortable. He is old enough now where I don't worry as much about SIDS. Does anyone know of a mattress that thicker or any ideas on how to make it more comfortable? Thank you, D.


Best Pack N Play

We are going to be getting a pack n play soon to use in our bedroom for a...

Baby Swings

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22 answers

14 Month Old Still Sleeping in Mom and Dads Room in Pack-n-play?

My 14 month old went from sleeping in the cradle next to my bed to sleeping in her pack-n-play still in our room, away from our bed. I know I obviously have issues with separation! I put her to sleep in her crib one night and she woke up screaming/crying at 1am. How do I get her to start sleeping in her crib? How do i detach?


Bassinet or Swing

Hi Moms, I have a dilemma. We just found out the bassinet we were...


Sleeping in Swing

My son is almost 6 weeks old and the only way that he will sleep for longer...

Nap & Bedtime

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104 answers

Pack N Play or Co-sleeping

Hi All Mommies, My brain is on overload right now with all the products out there for babies. This is my first baby, and with so much info..........HELP Please. My baby is due in Feb. so I have some time ,however , I would love some advice. I already know which crib I would like to have but I'm a lil scared to put my baby in it right after birth. I've read about Pack N Plays and Co-sleeping. I'm wondering if the Pack N Play is a waste of $$ or would it be better to put my baby in the bed with me (just in the beginning ). It seems using a...


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27 answers

Time Out for 16 Month Old

Is "time out" not appropriate for a 16 month old with tantrums? Is he too young? I have read others that say putting a child in their crib for "time out" isn't good because you want the crib to be a happy place for him to go to sleep. If that is true, does anyone have suggestions for a good way of doing "time out" for a 16 month old who doesn't sit still?