Sleep: Steroids

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11 answers

Help! Steroids Affecting Baby's Sleeping/eating

My 16 month old baby can catch the FLU and she can catch a COLD, but she just can't CATCH A BREAK!! She's so tiny and we're working with doctors to monitor her weight gain and she just keeps getting sick! ARGH! so frustrating I just want to cry! Anyways, she came down with a cold and developed croup, we took her to the ER Sun morning because she had stridor (straining to breathe in) and they gave her an oral steroid. It took almost 3 hours to get her to sleep last night, she was so WIDE AWAKE! And she would throw herself against the...

Adult Sleep Issues

See all 24 articles
18 answers

Allergy Meds While Pregnant

I was hoping someone might know of an allergy medicine that is safe to use during pregnancy. I get chronic sinus infections from my allergies. Last time I was pregnant I was on antibiotics almost every other week. I'm really dreading going through that again - I have a 2 year old to keep up with! I had been taking the generic form of Nasonex and doing fine, but the pharmacist told me it's not safe during pregnancy because it has steroids in it. Any ideas? Thank you!


Nasty Stray Cat

There is a stray cat in our neighborhood. No one knows who it belongs to. ...

Child Sleep Issues

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27 answers

Pulmicort - Steroids for Asthma/Lung Issues

Do any of you have children who have taken Pulmicort or another steroid for asthma/lung issues. My son was born 3 months premature and therefore had immature lungs. In addition he had a chest tube for a pneumo-thorax and pneumonia all in the first two weeks of life, came home on oxygen, etc. This was all a year ago and he's doing incredible. Has been off of oxygen since April. All of that said, he is struggling with weather changes and the cold and flu season. A tiny cold leads to wheezing and bronchiolitis almost every time. My doc...