Sleep Training: Infant, Similac

Results 1-10 from 62 articles

Seeking Sleep Training Support

N.J. asks from Austin

OK - my 3 month old daughter (well...technically she's 11.5 weeks) has started sleep training. Before you say "STOP...she's way to young and we don't like it", liste...


Inconsolable Infant

A.W. asks from Cedar Rapids

I have a 4 week old baby. She was recently put on Zantac for acid reflux, however she is still inconsolable. She seems constipated and maybe it's gas too but when s...



S.S. asks from Davenport

My month old doesnt like to take a nap in the day time at all. A couple of times hes been up all day 7:00am to 7:00pm.yeah I know!I thought newborns were suppose to s...


Colicky 8 Month Old - Sleep Deprived Mommy & Baby

L.K. asks from Chicago

My 8 month old has been colicky since I brought him home. Reading Weisbluth he is the classic "extreme colic" baby by every definition which I guess is 4 out of 100 b...


SLEEP -- CIO Day 2

G.L. asks from Philadelphia

Looking for other moms who are letting their babies cry it out at night to get them on a sleep schedule. My 6 month old was getting up 3 times a night. So we just sta...


Sleep Deprived Mom

L.S. asks from Eugene

My son won't sleep. He takes a bottle then needs to be upright for about 45mins because of reflux then he falls asleep a half hour or hour before he eats again and t...


10 Week Old Fights Sleep!

A.M. asks from Sacramento

My daughter will be 10 wks this sat. She has silent reflux disorder but is on prevacid, and now uses soy formula. She has always had a sensitive tummy, tons of gas, b...


Wondering About Baby Wise Book

P.K. asks from Elkhart

I have a couple of grandbabies and I am wondering what this Baby Wise book is all about Please help


Must Have Baby Products

M.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am a first time Mom going through books and lists of must have baby items. Any advice of what you really should have and what you don't need so urgently for the fir...


My 4 Week Old Doesn't Sleep for More That 30 Min. at a Time

J.H. asks from Nashville

My 4 week old has started in the last 4 days to stay awake for hours at a time (some times as long as 6 hours) and then olny sleep for 30 min. I am exhausted, and i t...