Sleep Problems: Munchkin

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25 answers

Trouble Sleeping at Night

Hi All, I just started 5th month of pregnancy (this is my first pregnancy), and I am having difficulty sleeping at night. The issue is I feel that my ribs and my hips hurt a lot when I sleep on the side. I don't sleep on by back because everyone has been telling me not to sleep on my back. I have always been a side sleeper anyways, but these last weeks have been horrible. I wake up every two hours or so and I must turn on my other side because I feel that I am in pain, like I am been squeezed hard! I thought that maybe was the bed,...

Sleep Schedule Changes

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11 answers

Whats a Good Feeding Schedule?

just wanted to check in and see what ppl's day looked like esply with eating (and what foods), how much milk a day, and sleep schedules? we just got back from the peds yesterday and i have to make some changes (i.e. decrease milk and push solids, push self-feeding, etc.), so im not so sure how to do this. she is 1 yr old. our schedule is as follows: -wake around 7am (i just eliminated her morning bottle) -breakfast about 8am (by the time i get my AM chores done) with oatmeal mixed with fruit (homemade pureed cubes), bits of...

Sleep Training

See all 43 articles
23 answers

To Sleep Train or Suck It Up? That Is the Question...

I have 2 beautiful boys. One is 2.5 years old and didn't start sleeping through the night until he was about 20 months old. The other is 9 months old and I swore when he was born that I would have him sleeping soundly by now. Well we suddenly seem to be back to square one. It' like I have a new born again. He is up every three hours and I am dragging. I'm committed to getting him on the path of sleep before I turn into a zombie. Last night I let him cry for a few minutes and then I would go to him, snuggle him and put him back down. It was...