School: Curves

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35 answers

Curves Work for You?

I've once again decided it's time to do something about my weight. I used to be thin and trim without trying, was very active in sports, aerobics, etc. Then kids came. I've slowly put on weight for the past 10 years. I've tried several "life style changes" (aka - diets). W.W. worked for a while several years ago, I've tried that recently and I just can't seem to stick to it. Also did Thin & Healthy, once again worked for a short while, couldn't handle it in the long run. Prism and I didn't work well together at all. We have a local Curves,...


Skipping a Grade

My son is in second grade, and he is advanced in math and reading at a 5th...

After School

See all 168 articles
22 answers

Curves for Women - Love It, Hate It, Indifferent???

I'm very interested in joining a fitness center before winter. I'm curious to hear any good or bad experiences with Curves. I have had a Bally's membership before but it was intimidating to me and seemed like a meat market-type gym. A YMCA membership sounds appealing, but too costly for our budget. Curves seems to be the best match for what I'm looking for, but would like to hear some first-hand experiences. Thanks! C.


High School Daughter

My daughter is a high school freshman. She started out loving school, but i...


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37 answers

Curves or a Gym?

I'm looking to start exersizing on a daily basis. I'm not a fan of walking a treadmill and I do have some knee issues and an abdominal hernia. My doctors says I need to do "something" but they don't really tell you what. Should I join a gym or Curves? or start at home? any ideas for simple exersizes I can do myself would be helpful. PS my daughter will be joining/starting too.


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22 answers

Curves for Women - Love It, Hate It, Indifferent???

I'm very interested in joining a fitness center before winter. I'm curious to hear any good or bad experiences with Curves. I have had a Bally's membership before but it was intimidating to me and seemed like a meat market-type gym. A YMCA membership sounds appealing, but too costly for our budget. Curves seems to be the best match for what I'm looking for, but would like to hear some first-hand experiences. Thanks! C.


High School Daughter

My daughter is a high school freshman. She started out loving school, but i...


Making New Friends

Help. I became a widow almost six months ago, and have no girlfriends to...


Having Friends Over?

So basically my question is this: Will we ever get to a point where I feel...