Nursing Pillow: Bath Toys

10 articles

What Do You Wish You'd Registered For, but Didn't?

G.M. asks from Philadelphia

Hi, I'm trying to get baby shower gift ideas. Do you have any ideas for cool gifts, or for something you wish you'd register for? Thanks!


Baby Shower Gift for Twins

W.I. asks from Chicago

Good morning moms! I was wondering if any of you could give me suggestions on what to get a good friend for her baby shower. She had twins so I feel I have to get two...


Need Help My 3 Y/o Wont Bath

S.T. asks from Provo

About 3 weeks ago my 3 y/o started screaming when it came to bath time, he said he wants to keep his diaper on and even if i put a swim diaper on he still wont get in...


What Are Things You Wish You Had or Had Not Gotten in Preparation for 1St Child

M.N. asks from Redding

DH and I are expecting our first baby in April and we are very much minimalists. We live and work on a 60 acre sustainable farm and as of right now we have a pretty s...


Recommended Baby Items for 1St Time Momma

M.C. asks from Boston

My husband and I are expecting our first child in July. This will be the first grandchild on both sides and his mom is dying to hit the store! She would like for us...


First Time Mom- Baby Shower- What to Ask For.

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hello moms ! I am 5 months pregnant, and have no family here. I have had the same job for 4 years, and my supervisor at work is dead set on throwing me a baby shower....


What Do You Really Need for an Infant?

L.L. asks from Hartford

So it's been 8 years since I last had a baby to care for. I am expecting again and am at a loss for what I really need and trying to prioritize. I have looked at many...


First Birthday Bath Theme Ideas?

S.C. asks from Houston

My Son's first birthday is in 3 weeks and I have chosen a bath theme. I am on a tight budget ($20-30) as we just had to do some MAJOR car repairs. Does anyone have an...


Traveling by Plane with 8 Month Old

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Mommies, I have a beautiful baby girl who will be flying for the first time in late October. It's a cross country flight with one layover. Any suggestions on ...


Baby Shower Gift Ideas

J.W. asks from Boston

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me with a creative yet inexpensive gift idea. We've been invited to a shower but had not budgeted for it since originally they weren'...