Money: Child, Puppets

Results 1-10 from 198 articles

5 Year Old Needs Glasses!

S.S. asks from Houston

Hi - Ok - our 5 year old (in Pre K)- told us at Monster Jam "he needed glasses but did not want them- they are ugly"- he had some trouble coloring in lines etc.- so...


Gift Ideas for a 5 Year Old Girl

J.C. asks from Detroit

We are going to a birthday party next week and I have no idea what to get the birthday girl. She will be turning 5. Do any of you have any good gift ideas? My daughte...


Birthday Ideas for 5 Year Old Girl

H.O. asks from Lincoln

I would LOVE some help with birthday ideas for my almost 5 year old little girl. I've been asked for gift ideas and I'm really at a loss for ideas to give them. My...


6 Year Old May Be Artistically Gifted So....

E.M. asks from Denver

Do we do anything about it? From what I've read online, that being artistically gifted doesn't mean much in school, other than the child will do some of the best art...


What Would You Suggest We Should Buy for Christmas for Our 5 Year Olds?

L.D. asks from Santa Fe

Hi and thanks for looking! We have one boy and one girl who will be 5 next month. We're looking for what to buy for them for Christmas this year. We are planning...


Advent Calendar Ideas for 7 and 5 Year Old

S.G. asks from Norfolk

Hi moms, Tonight is the night for us to get our advent calendar ready to roll. What are some of your favorite things to put in your Calendar? We have done candy, t...


Looking for Fun Table Top Activities for 3 to 5 Year Olds

B.C. asks from Joplin

I am reaching the point of desperation. I am used to keeping very young children entertained. Most of the older kids I have that I watch are part time drop ins. I am ...


Panicing About Christmas Time Already.

T.B. asks from San Francisco

I'm trying to think of presents for my 3 year old son. I'm glad he's not at an age of Wei's or Guitar Hero's just yet. My husband has been unemployed for about 6 mo...


How Do I Keep Children Quiet During Church Services?

D.A. asks from Utica

How do I keep a 5 year old and 4 year old quiet during church, there is no crying room and I really would like them to attend but they play off each other and I am no...


1St Birthday Party, Small or Big?

K.V. asks from Phoenix

I need some opinions since I'm divided between make a big party for my baby's 1st birthday or make just something small and simple. I do want something BIG with tons...