Major Purchases: Infant, Joovy

Results 1-10 from 110 articles

Joovy Ergo Caboose

A.T. asks from Los Angeles

I am researching double strollers, more like the sit-n-stand ones. I really like the Joovy Caboose & Joovy Ergo Caboose. They are both pricey in my opinion, but wor...


Joovy Stroller. Love It, Hate It?

S.R. asks from Kansas City

We currently have a Combi Twin Sport, I hate it, have since we got it, but at the time last year it was what we could afford and what would fit in our tiny car. Since...


Joovy Vs. Sit and Stand

L.A. asks from New York

Hello. I have two boys... a 19 month old and a 4 year old. When my baby was born, I bought a double stroller, but now it is so cumbersome to take around with me... ...


Double Stroller with One Infant Car Seat

C.L. asks from Denver

Hello! I have a 13 month old and another baby on the way, due in February. I would like to get a double stroller that holds one infant car seat. I can't find any...


Looking for the Perfect Double Stroller for Infant and 3 Year Old

M.L. asks from Detroit

I am wondering what type of double stroller to get for my baby (due Aug 27) and my son, who will be 3 next week. We travel quite a bit, so it needs to be something g...


The Best Double Stoller for an Infant and Toddler.

J.H. asks from Milwaukee

I am searching for a good double stroller that will last. I don't have a preference regarding tandem or side by side. I don't mind a higher price if it will hold up...


Seeking Out a Great Double Stroller for a 21/2Yearold and Infant

J.S. asks from Phoenix

I would like to knwo what double stroller you all might use. I havea 21/2 year old and a newborn. I am torn about what to get for traveling adn for every day use. ...


Advice on a Double Stroller for a Baby and a Toddler

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

I am wondering about recommendations for a double stroller. I have a 2 year old that will be close to 3 when I have a second baby in October. She is petite and stil...


Tandem Stroller Really Necessary for Infant and Two Year Old?

E.A. asks from Atlanta

Hi mamas, We're expecting our second in December and currently have a toddler. By the time #2 arrives, our son will be 2. My husband doesn't think we need to get...


Is a Double-stroller Still Necessary with a 3Yr Old and an Infant?

D.Q. asks from Chicago

I am thinking about getting a double-stroller for trips to the zoo and daily walks to the park. I have a 3 yr old (just turned 3 last week) and a newborn on the way ...