Illnesses: Infant, Saline Drops

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44 answers

Sick Baby :(

Hi fellow moms- I have a beautiful 9month old who has been sick with a cold for the past six days. It started with a runny stuffy nose and has now progressed to this horrible cough that sounds like it's trying to break up phlem in her chest. In addition, she has a slight temp of 101 (rectal). Of course, she is also teething on top of everything else. Because of this violent cough, she's really not sleeping and moans after a bout of coughing, which tells me that her chest throat are probably hurting her. Also, she hasn't been able to...


Sick 2 Month Old

I have a 2 month little boy and he is sick he has an ear infection and now...


Mentally Ill Father

To make a very long story short, the father of my 5 month old daughter has a...


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15 answers

Infant with Allergy?

My 6 month old seems to have some kind of allergy from the weather. We went to trail of lights on sat, the wind was blowing and the weather was humid but not cold, and the next day her nose was very stuffy and she is sneezing w/watery eyes. My husband has allergies and his nose was bothering him on sun. also. She is still really stuffed up. Is there anything I can do for her? She just got over a sore throat and fever, also. What are the odds that she is sick AGAIN?!? She seems to be fine other than her nose....what do you think? I am...

Cough & Cold

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30 answers

Help with Stuffy Nose

My 5 month old has had a stuffy nose for a little over a week now. Last Wed, she was diagnosed with an ear infection and she also had croup which was bad enough that night to warrant going to the ER cuz she was struggling so much to breathe. While at the hospital, they gave her an adrenaline nebulizer and a steroid shot. The croup has cleared up and she's been on antibiotics for her ears, but the stuffy nose has not gotten much, if any, better. Its worse at night or when she lays down, making nursing her to sleep very tough. She also...


Ear Ache

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22 answers

Is This Allergies?

My 4-year-old has always had "issues" that seem to be allergy-related, but never anything that seemed to fit the classic definition of allergies. Since the spring, though, she's been chronically congested. And I don't mean the runny slimy type of congestion, I mean like rocks in her nose. I started her on Claritin- I noticed a difference at first, but then it stopped being effective. At her check-up in August, I asked the doctor if she had allergies and he said yes, it was definitely allergies that was causing the congestion. He gave...


Sick Lil' Guy

My son has a pretty nasty cold. We had to walk out on his year pictures...