Health: Older Child, Hydrocortisone

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173 answers

Help with Eczema

My 6 month old was just diagnosed with eczema and I am trying to get his breakouts under control. The doctors are not so helpful on what is causing it (basically saying it could be anything). At this point my poor son is covered in the rash and can't sleep because his normal self soothing method is rubbing his face with a snuggly and his face is raw. Have any of you dealt with this? Do you have any tips other than hydrocortisone on how to sooth my poor baby?


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26 answers

Eczema Getting Worse on My 2 Boys

Hi moms, I have a 4 yo and a 5 month old boys that have eczema. My 4yo has it all over his body and its getting worse as he ages. I moisturize his body 2-3/day with 100% petroleum jelly, wash his clothes with ALL detergent, showers every other day and bathes once a week, use 100%cotton and worked ourself up from 1%hydrocortisone to now triamcinolone( stronger than 2.5% hydrocortisone). On my baby I just use 100% petroleum jelly and bathe him once a week only. He has it mostly on his neck area and now it's some on his legs and face. I don...


Help with Eczema

My 6 month old was just diagnosed with eczema and I am trying to get his...

Illnesses & Symptoms

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19 answers

Dog Has Ear Yeast Infection

My apologies for asking a doggie question, but I need some help! Once or twice a year my dog gets a yeast infection in his ear, and this time we just can't get rid of it. I'll take him to the vet if I need to, but I'd rather figure it out on our own if possible. I'll tell you what I've tried this time, and if you can think of anything else, please let me know! Thanks so much! We've tried: Monistat (I bought the suppositories by accident, so I held them in his ear until they would melt - would it be worth buying the cream to try again?) ...


Constant Runny Nose

Hi momma's since starting preschool my DS constantly has a runny nose every...


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10 answers

Bad Rash on My 3 Year Olds Private Area

Hey everyone. I need some help. My 3 year old daughter is potty trained (has been for a little over a year). About 4 months ago she got this bad red rash on her girly parts. I already had a doc appointment for a check up so I told him about it while we were there. He checked her out and said it looked ok but he noticed from pushing on her stomach that she was constipated (I had no idea b/c she was still pooing!!) He said this was normal and sometimes when girls are constipated it causes leakage which can get into the girly area and cause...


83 answers

Doctors Won't Help My One Year Old with Her Allergies

My daughter just turned 1 last week. She had colic and excema when she was first born. Her pediatrician thought she might have a protein allergy and put her on Nutramigen. We moved to another city and have been through five pediatricians now. Since coming off of Nutramigen and trying solids her excema has come back,she has a constant runny nose and a cough. She scratches so bad she makes her legs bleed. All the doctor's say here is that she has a viral infection. She has had severe symptoms since December and we can get no help. She...


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31 answers

Acid Mantle (Cream Mixed with Hydrocortisone) - Is It Safe?

I have a 15 month old son who has extremely sensitive skin and had horrible ezcema (sp?) since he was an infant. We found out that it was mostly caused by an allergy to pet dander so we had to give up our pug. Well, we have been using a prescription cream on him called A-Mantle since he was about 6 months old that our Pediatric Allergist prescribed (who is associated with CHOP). This cream is a hydrocortisone mixed with some other type of cream. We use it on him practically every single day (since he still has ezcema). I specifically...